The Dinner

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So now officially is the dinner party so they have a way to get Lucien and Aurora and the way to Tristen is his sisters they will obviously come together and Lucien will follow suit 

MArecel Elijah HAyley and Jeremy get back 

" So now we know where the Styx is we can now contact them and MArcel can contact them "

" Why me why not you Elijah "

" Well because they don't like me "

" i wonder why "

" well they have good reason and to be fair i did leave "

" Ah i see "

turn to Hayley 

" HAyley i think its time to get you back home "

" Ok lets go "

" Marcel we will talk about this later ok "

" All right Elijah "

Walks away with HAyley and Jeremy and MArcel are standing there 

" So im taking a guess and saying he likes her "

" Oh thats for sure "

" So why isnt he "

" Ah werewolf alpha "

" ah i see "

" So you know about that "

" Yeah i had a friend named tyler lookwood "

" Oh that person "

" Oh you met him "

" Oh not really he just took Hayley and tried to kill his kid "

" What why "

" Because it was Klaus "

" Ah so what happened "

" Nothing he let him die which in his mind was worse than death becasue he spend so many years trying to kill Klaus only to fail but if im being honest he let him live out of mercy and rarely has Klaus shown mercy know how that could happen "

" well i know this one person more like a friend actually that could help Klaus be an actual person semi human kinda like Cami is but a bit different given it was at the worst times when he wanted to be hated and we were trying to kill us and i kinda killed kol "

" How kinda "

" My sister did "

" Oh so whos this person "

" Her name is Caroline Forbes and is the first person that Klaus saw no one else noticed er first i think it was always Elena and Klaus saw her for who she was "

" So what "

" well Klaus became different a little bit more human from what i understand but i was dead near this time because of that cursed cure "

" But i did see him change around her before and after i died and when i came back but when i came back he was leaving tho he came to say goodbye to her "

" Ah so he became semi nice "

" Yeah when he was around her but now he went back to before "

" well What do we do "

" well we deal with him and protect his child which is all he cares about now as you can clearly tell "

Elijah brings back HAyley to the house 

" thank you for the night i enjoyed im glad you invited me  "

" Well im glad you came and accepted considering "

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