Taking Care of Hope

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So before I start this chapter I found an idea for season 4 I got an idea of how Jeremy could work obvious spoilers  so you know how haley was trying to find all Werewolf packs well Jeremy could be the one finding them and Protecting hope while she gets to save her family so that my idea and I think im running with it because it would make sense and he's a hunter so he could track them down and he could either track Keelin or find her and Hayley gets her and at this point Jeremy is a vampire but not as of now im think either in season 2 or mid season 3 and he become an Original version.

Jeremy looks at hope 

" Um Whats her name "

" Jer meet one of the newest members of the Mikaelson family, Hope "

" well she is cute and innocent "

" Well for now "

" Yeah unfortunate that shell deal with Klaus' enemies "

" Thats why she's in hiding and believed to be dead for her safety "

" Yeah but what happened "

" A witch from my past that I might've tried to bring Mikael tried to sacrifice her for the " ancestors  " "

" And they are "

" What basically give the witch powers kinda "

" AH gotcha "

the phone calls and Jeremy gets it and Rebekah scared 

" Hello Rebekah how is Hope "

" Hello Elijah "

" Well if it isn't little Gilbert how are I see you escaped Mystic falls and joined in on the Original Family drama "

" Yeah its a bit refreshing if im honest "

" Yeah im sure with the brothers "

" Yeah it was refreshing to get out "

" How'd Elena react "

" How do you think "

" Ah just as much as id expect "

" Oh can I talk to My sister "

" Yeah sure "

" Ill talk to later Jeremy "

" Ok "

Rebekah takes the phone 

" Yes Elijah "

" Are you in a safe place "

" Yeah not someone would find easy trust me "

" Ok just making sure your ok "

" Thanks ELijah wheres Nik "

" Oh hes here want to say hi "

" Yeah sure "

Nik gets on 

" What is it Rebekah "

"How is it back there "

" Just as much as you'd expect "

" Ah so normal "

" Yeah, so I hear Little Gilbert is there "

" Yeah so "

" Nothing im just going to have a talk with him "

" Nik don't "

" What its just a brother talk "

" Just don't do what you always do "

" Ok fine I promise I won't do what I normally do "

" THank you Nik "

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