Lucien gets a 1UP

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so i mightve been gone for a week there is a explanation i did tweak my back at work lesson learned bend with your knees not your back and don't move it as fast now its barrable to where i can sit and visiting friends so after a week of a break which I kind of needed because writing is stressful sometimes again this will be my last ( at least for awhile ) Jerbekah or TVDU books and I'm switching over to Harmony so if you like harmony / harmione i have a link to the HMS H/HR Harmony discord server in my profile aka 

now after that long rant and why ive been away and stuff back to the book also if i skipped a few story episodes and plotlines sorry 

So Vincent and Freya have been taken by Lucien and Elijah and Finn go find him back in the good old Mystic Falls 

Elijah and Finn get there 

" THis is a place i never wanted to be back to "

" Finn will you relaxe were just getting our sister and getting out "

" Well last time i was in here i just got out of a box or coffin after 900 years so sorry and i also died "

" Well im sorry we should've gotten you out sooner "

" I just want to get out and live the rest of my life "

" Ok lets find our sister then "

" This is the last place i want to be "

" Im aware "

" Now lets fin our sister and get out of here "

Matt walks over 

" Thats not going to happen here "

Elijah turns 

" Hello MAtt were looking for our sister "

Looks confused 

" Yes we have another one "

" I just ensured all vampires are out of mystic falls "

" Oh dont worry we wont be gone long "

" Didnt i kill you right there actually i never forget "

Points to the steps 

" Yes this but it wont happen again as we'll be in and out "

" Well were is this lost sister of your im assuming an old friend of yours "

" You could say that "

" Speaking of sister, how is Rebekah "

" Well that complicated "

" Ok how is Jeremy "

" Oh Little gilbert is fine hes trying to find where she is with Niklaus "

" Klaus is with Jeremy "

" DOnt worry its fine "

" Are you sure "

" Ok lets get this over with "

" I quite agree "

" Then where is she "

" well that's the question isn't it "

" Maybe the original place where we started "

" What "

" Remember where mother did it "

" Did what "

Turns to MAtt "

" Created us "

" The old place he might be trying to make another version of vampire "

" Wait why "

" Because Klaus "

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