Enhanced Vampire

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now again you know whats going to happen since but they only know that they dont have the serum not who had it they only speculate MArcel but not for sure but later find out and then the whole plan for the end of season 3 which we know that i hope 

Klaus goes to Marcel to talk to him 

" MArcel can we have a walk "

" Why "

"  Marcel please just indulge with me "

" Ok fine "

They walk on the bridge  

" Remember the first day we met "

" Oh i remember that quite clear but what this got to do is this you trying to rope me back in "

" No im trying to show you your still part of our family "

" yeah but when did you chose me huh "

" Listen i knpw your mad but if i died "

" I get it your child but D was a child i know there was no other way but that doesnt excuse it "

" I know it doesnt but "

" But what theres nothing to say "

Elijah and the rest 

" Ok so its out of Aurora so howd it come out tho "

Freya thinks 

" I think i know one person "

" Who Freya "

" Vincent i think he mightve given it to Marcel "

Elijah turns around 

" What do we do Elijah "

Turns to Jeremy 

" You two stay here ill be back "

" Ok "

Jeremy looks at Freya 

" Whats he going to do "

" I dont know "

" i  have a feeling Jeremy "

" What "

" Hes going to see Marcel "

" I hope he gets it back "

" Lets hope so but it might be bad "

" what do you mean "

" Just it might not go as well as we might think "

" I see "

Klaus is with MArcel as Elijah came 

" What is it Elijah "

Elijah points to MArcel "

" he has it "

" What "

Turns to Marcel as he bring it out of his pockets 

" Oh you mean this "

" Marcel give it "

" Oh is this why you brought me out to talk me put takin it "

" Its deadly we know what happened with Lucien we arent sure what will happen "

" Lucien was crazy ill be fine "

" We arent sure " 

" Its worth a risk "

" We arent sure tho "

" Oh is it because ill be stronger than you or something else "

" Of course not "

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