The Plan

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So here we go with the plan on what Klaus has on how to save his family so her we go and thats how were going to do its going to transfer to season 4 slightly but not enough they won't come back until the next chapter Im not about to make them come back super quick now am I and Jeremy helps find the every wolf breed being a hunter and hes also going to become a vamp but not like a normal like an enhanced version like Alaric or Marcel because Lucien is insane not normal crazy evil 

ok now then onto the chapter 

Rebekah and Klaus walks into the mansion with marcel 


" So how this going to work "

" well have them chain you before the curse hits me "

" Well lets hope this works "

" Lets go "

Klaus and Rebekah enter 

Marcel sees them 

" Well what to we have here "

" Marcel I know what this is all these who I have angered "

Klaus laughs 

" What you think this is a joke "

" Oh not at all I realise your all angered by me I mean im Klaus through the centuries terror what did you expect "

" So this is now the judge and Jury of the Great Klaus Mikaelson "

" Marcel come on "

" Rebekah what are you doing here "

" to try to explain "


" You after all he did to you he left you in a box for 50 years or longer "

" Marcel please stop "

" Explain "

Stops and looks 

" Death is too good for him "

" What Rebekah stop "

" Put him in the dungeon "

Back with everyone else

Hayley and Jeremy 

" Wheres Rebekah "

" well hopefully hes helping Klaus delay him before the curse sets "

" OK we need to find out how to find these wolf bloody or such before they die "

" I have a suggestion "

" I know we need to time freeze them "

" But how "

" Freya "

" I can do it where were all in the same Place while you find out the cure and then wake us up when you find it "

" Are you sure "

" yeah but wake me up first so I can save our brothers "

Hayley looks at Elijah 

" Hayley do it "

" Are you sure "

" Hayley its the only way "

" Kol "

" I mean it Elijah and Freya are right its the only way if Rebekah were she would agree as well "

" All right Well do it when Rebekah gets here "

" Hayley or we could just put them in and add Rebekah when she gets back "

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