The Sire Dinner

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well i just realized a few after i wrote the last chapter its same as another one oh well but here we are also Stefan come in later because of Reya Cruz so that will be in a few and also the Klaroline phone call will happen as well I do realize not every chapter isn't Jerbekah specific because its kinda hard to make every bloody chapter that way and make it canon accurate i mean the whole story stays the same while breaking canon as well lol

Eliajah and HAyley in the new house 

" Well this is the house is it fine "

" yeah its ok thanks Elijah "

" Anytime "

Walks out 

" Elijah can i ask you a question "

" Sure why not whats on your mind "

" Why does Klaus fin the need to break everything "

" Well he feels like no one should love him "

" But his child "

" Well he did what he did as bad as it was for hope "

" I can understand that but why "

" Hayley its Niklaus its hard to understand "

" Ah ok, also where is Jackson "

" Ill see if i can find him "

" thank you "

BAck at the mansion 

" Why is she over there "

" Niklaus you know why and lets not deal with this right now later "

" Ok fine so how do we get all three here in one place since we know Aurora is here and Lucien how do we get tristen "

" Let me deal with him aya "

" All right Elijah "

" ill get MArcel and get him to try to find out where they could be "

" All right Elijah take little Gilber with you "

" Can we stop with that "

" NAh "

looks at Klaus 

" all right "

Jeremy and Elijah gets to MArcels house trashed 

" Umm what happened "

" Well your friend stopped by "

" Let me guess aya "

" Yeah basically "

" What did she want may i dear ask "

" to join her little cult "

Hands him the card 

" Oh great theyve all come "

" What 

" all my sires "

" Ah "

" So what we doing "

" Well marcel we are going to go to this party "

" what "

" I take it you were going considering going "

Points at the suit 

Marcel smiles 

" all right let go whats the plan "

" to find out what they are doing here "

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