Eva Sinclair

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So yesterday or early this morning I finished the finale of the Originals and im completely hurt by that I legit cried  and only other to do is TVD Arrow and Clone Wars ( that was more inward and just in shock ) and SPN kinda 

So with them figuring out what to do a bunch of witches come by and Jeremy and Rebekah and Marcel go out 

" Now what seem to be the problem Madam "

" Her she needs to come with us she's a killer "

"  Nah she's taken over by Rebekah Mikaelson "

" I am fully against killing kids entirely "

" As it may be "

" Just let us figure it out "

" Fine "

They go back 

" What was that "

Marcel calls Elijah 

" Elijah I need your to go with Gia to the witches membership "

" Why me they dont like vampires specifically my family "

" thats why Gias coming "

" Ok fine "

Elijah gets off 

" What "

" Well Elijah is going to find a way to extend our time while we figure this out "

" Ok "

" are you sure you dont need anything "

" yeah "

" Are you sure "

" 100 bloody percent "

" Ok "

Marcel walks out 

Jeremy stand up "

" Are you sure "

" Not you too "

" Yes me "

" Im fine it was probably someone mistaking me "

" what if its not "

" Then well figure it out "

" Ok "

Elijah and Gia are out in the street and comes to a shop 

" Ok Gia figure out where they are and ill be back "

" what "

" Believe in yourself "

Leaves and Gia confused as he leaves 

Elijah comes back and Gia 

" Why did you leave me "

" Did you find it "

" well yeah "

" then you did as I thought you would "

they arrive to the place 

" Why do I have a violin "

" Because she is deaf and loves music "

" Why me "

" Because "

" Im a girl "

" Thats not exactly "

" Ok "

Elijah knocks and She starts playing 

" Ah what beautiful music come in "

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