The Sires

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Well now were getting in the war between sires which is when Lucien Castle came in to warn Klaus about the sires of Rebekah and Elijah to come so now lets go 

Sorry i didnt write yesterday i was watching some sport game so yeah only American Sport i do watch football other than that its just futbol 

Freya is writing to Rebekah 

" Since you left sister,  our brothers have been divided me and Jeremy have tried but to no avail since Klaus cursed Hayley to be cursed as a wolf to defeat Dalaih and Elijah is gone so often and Klaus just sulks around "

Rebekah gets the message and replies

" Dear Freya just wait and be patient our brothers fight and eventually they will come back together stronger than ever Elijah and Klaus are the strongest together than they ever were apart "

sends the message back 

Jeremy walks in 

" So what we going to do "

" I dont know first we need to find a way to save first hayley from the curse second bring back Kol from death "

" true "

" Ok next time Elijah goes down to the Bayou go with him "

" Why " 

" just in case something happens over there "

" Ah ok "

Jeremy sees Elijah goes to the BAyou 

" Elijah wait "

" Jeremy what "

" Are you going to the Bayou "

" Yeah why "

" Im coming "

" Why "

" Just in case " 

" all right lets go "

" Ok "

they get to the bayou and see traps 

" What happens "

" I dont know "

a hunter comes in 

" What you doing there are wolves "

" what are you doing "

" Killing them they are in wild "

" No "

Points his gun 

Jeremy shacked his head 

Elijah speeds up 

" Leave and dont come back "

the other hunter comes but JEremy hits him in the leg 

"Both of you leave before "

they both leave 

" You know theyll come back "

" Yeah im aware but we need to see what happened your a hunter So maybe its good you came "

" Lets see "

sees a bunch of traps 

" So they think it was actually wolves "

" Maybe "

Hears twigs and Jeremy turns around with the crossbow ready and its JAckson with his hands up 

" Elijah "

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