The Brother Returns

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So if you watched the show you know who is returning but also who else is returning if you watched at least and now we have a goodbye for Stefan to now 

The Mikaelsons say goodbye to Stefan as Freya finished with the ointment 

" All right that should do it for now "

" Thank you Freya "

" Anytime "

they say goodbye 

" Goodbye Freya nice to meet you "

" and you "

" Well its lovely to see you again Elijah "

" as you Stefan Salvatore "

" take care Jeremy "

" You too Stefan now take care of my home when your done running "

" Ill try Jeremy now you, good luck with the sister "

" I will take care "

Hugs him and walks away and its just Klaus and Stefan 

" Now Stefan i have something to say to you "

" Ok what is it "

" You go back and take care of Caroline and prove to her you deserve her "

" Ok but wait "

" She loves you but if you hurt her i will kill you "

" Ok "

" Now goodbye old friend i do hope we see each other again "

" SO do i "

Shake hands and hug 

" Now good luck with Reyna Stefan "

" Thanks "

Stefan leaves and Klaus returns 

" Ok so Davina took my sire which leaves only Elijah left with someone to protect him and allies "

" So what do we do we still need to find Rebekah "

" I didnt forget im just focused "

" I mean we need to find her either Aurora or Tristen have her "

Klaus hears Davina in the Fortress 

" It appears someone unwelcome is here "

" klaus no "

Klaus reaches down and puts Davina on a pillar 

" Your bold to come her alone little one "

suddenly Klaus gets thrown and Klaus looks to see who would dare throw the mighty Klaus Mikaelson only to see his brother Kol Mikaelson and shocked 

" She didnt come alone "

And Klaus Marches to Kol and hugs Kol 

" Welcome back brother "

And the rest are there 

" So i assume this is the newly found sister "

" Its nice to meet you finally "

Looks at Jeremy 

" Well if it isnt little Gilbert again "

" Well hello again Kol "

" Nice to see you've survived our family so far "

" Thanks Kol "

Sees Elijah looks at Kol is awe 

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