Finding Rebekah

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So by the end of this at least Rebekah will be recovered with that curse from the stake of course like it does in the show or maybe mid because the go to wait now that i think about it screw it were doing it now 

ok got it now Davina already got convinced by the styx to help and capture elijah and Klaus and remove the sire lines 

Klaus is still on the phone ( yeah i was mean from stplitting it )

" Hello Love "

" Who is this "

" Ouch has it really been that long "

" Klaus "

" well how are you "

" Well i am fine "

" I heard you have children now i know you will be great "

" Thanks where is Stefan "

" He brought the Reyna so i sent him away "

" Klaus please make sure he survies "

" Ok fine "

" thank you "

" Anything for you Caroline its been nice talking to you i hope to see you in person one day "

" Yeah i look forward to it "

" Until next time Caroline "

" Bye Klaus "

the call ends 

flash forward to when Klaus saves Stefan from the wolves 

" Whyd you come back "

" We have a mutual friend "

" Ah "

" Come on i know a person who could help "

Klaus comes in with Stefan 

" Freya this is Stefan an old friend of mine he has a problem he need help with "

" Hi im Stefan Salvatore and i  need your help "

" Its Reyna Cruz Freya "

" Ah i see i know just the thing "

Lucien is talking and she snaps his neck 

" Wow "

" i need silence "

While rubbing the ointment Stefan says 

" I dated your sister once "

" I doubt that will be a problem "

 " Oh why not "

" Well shes dating someone else "

" Ah "

Jeremy steps out 

" Good to see you again stefan "

turns around and sees Jeremy 

" Jeremy what are you doing here "

" Well Besides dating Bekah Dealing with tons of stuff "

" Wait does anyone know your still a hunter and dating Rebekah Mikaelson "

" Besides Alaric not really "

" So this is the reality "

" I mean i told her in her stasis "

" Ok "

" Yeah so Reyna Cruz oh boy Stefan what did you do "

" Protected my brother "

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