Chapter 12

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When school was over, Harry took me to his place, so i could get my things.  "Harry is going to be so weird not waking up to you" "I know babe, you can come anytime you want, you're always welcome". I smiled, got my stuff and headed to the car.


We got to my house, but my mum wasn't home. I tried calling her and she said she was stuck in traffic, my mum was going to be 2 hours tops. I opened the door and told Harry to come in. When we go in my room, i put my clothes away and brang out some movies.

"So what ya wanna watch Hun, we have the notebook, titanic or love actually?" I asked

"You had to pick all my favourite movies" He laughed while kissing my lips.

"Which one" I playfully hit him.

"I can't decide."

"Okay, babe close your eyes and pick one, you're such a baby"

"But ya love me"

"Who couldn't love someone as cute as you, now pick" i giggled.

Harry started swirling his finger in the air as it landed on the notebook.

"The notebook it is, but before i play it, im going to have a quick shower"



Chantel gave me a kiss and walked in the shower. I thought i would have a laugh with her.

I heard the shower turn off, so i quickly got undressed, grabbed the notebook and hide that behind my private part. She is going to find this so funny. Her mum was going to be 2 hours so she wouldn't be back for awhile.

Before you know it, Chantel's mum Gracie walked in. "OMG" She screaming while quickly slamming the door, i stood up while still holding the notebook when Chantel came out the bathroom, only wearing a bra "Whats going on in her-" she couldn't help but laugh. "Put your clothes back on" Chantel said while throwing my clothes at me, i gave her a smirk making my dimples appear she can never stay mad at me, I'm too cute, Chantel smacked my ass and went to go put her top on.

Well this was going to be awkward her mum just seem my half naked. I walked out of Chantel's room while holding her hand, she was giggling. "Can you stop your making me more nervous", "I'm not the one was naked on my bed" She laughed.

"I'm so sorry Gracie" I said in a serious voice. "Its fine Harry" She obviously didn't want to look at me. Chantel grabbed my hand and too me to her room again, "Wanna watch the notebook now?". "Babe its almost 10 o'clock, come over to my house tomorrow and we'll watch it there" I said while walking to the door. She agree, i kissed her and walked out the door "text me" i yelled. She nodded and headed inside.



I was sitting on my bed  when out of no where i got a text from Chan.

Hey Em. Wanna go shopping for prom dresses Thursday? text me back :)

-Sure Chan, but can we go tomorrow?

Nope, cant me and Hazza made plans.

-"Okay, thursday then. See you at school"

I put on an evil smile, Thursday is going to be one funny day. The things i have planned, she is going to look so ugly for the prom.



I looked at my phone and Harry was calling, "Hey babe, i miss you already" Harry said, i put on a massive smile when he said that.

"Ive missed you too"

"Hey Chan, I've been thinking...."



"Tell me." I was getting so scared, is he about to dump me?

"I was thinking, we should move in together"

"I would love too but I'm only 17 and you're 18"

"Babe please, we need privacy. Especially after what happened today."

"ill have to think about it"

"Please, i feel soo lonely without you."

"When do your parents come back?"

"In about 4 days"

"What if i stay with you for 4 days and see how we go"

"If we are good living together then...?"

"Then ill consider living together"

"Yay" I could hear the excitement in his voice.

"Okay babe, I'm going to bed"

"Okay, I'm going to feel lost not hugging you" Harry cried.

"Aww babe, I love you"

"Love you more bye"

"Never, bye babe"

When the phone hung up, i went to tell my mum I'm going to stay with Harry for a couple of days. She nodded her head, and i walked back to my room.

I lied down by myself, i felt so lonely too. I got my pillow and hugged it pretending it was Harry. Then all of a sudden my phone made a loud sound. It was a text from Harry saying, i need you. I imminently replied.

I need you too babe, see you tomorrow xox. Night

-goodnight, cant wait till tomorrow........night ;) x

I giggled and couldn't wait for tomorrow, I began to fall asleep as I dreamed about Harry.

The dream was about Emily and Harry, OMG they started kissing right in front of me, I quickly woke up, i didn't want to no how it ended. I started crying. Calm down Chan, Emily is your best friend she wouldn't do that, and Harry loves me, he wont kiss Emily. I lied down and tried to fall asleep without having a bad dream about my best friend and the love of my life.







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