Chapter 23

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I woke up this morning really early,so i can make sure im going to look perfect for prom. I kept thinking if i was actally pregnet, i mean i havent been to the doctors and they test may have been wrong,i might just go after prom.

I got out of bed, walked in the bath room and looked at myself in the mirror. I tilled my head and just stood there admirring how i looked, i had a lot to do for the prom. I let out a sigh and looked at my phone, no messages or calls. That was kinda weird Harry always left calls, maybe his busy.

I hoped back to bed, layed back on the pillow and looked at my fan going round and round. I didnt no where to start. My hair and nail appointment is at 3:00 pm, so i was going to get dressed after that. I leaned back up once again and played with my hair. I opened my door and mum wasnt home again, she was obvouisly at work.

I put the keetle on and made myself a coffee, pulled the chair out and sat down as i read the news paper, nothing important. I looked at the time, school should be starting now. I walked back into my room got my some spare clothes and went into the shower.

I put the hot water on than the cold, washed my hair and my body and got out. Once i wrapped myself in the towel, i realized i forgot the hair brush in the kitchen.

I walked out of my room when i heard a random knock at the door, then my phone went off, it was Harry "Answer the door babe", i looked out the peep hole of the door and Harry was standing there. I opened the door slowly so no one could see i was still naked under my towel. He walked in and shut the door fast. He picked me up gently, and i wrapped my legs around his waist, he kissed my neck and let me down. "ive been waiting so long to do that" He said and i giggle.  "Babe what are you doing here, you should be at school". Harry laughed, "I needed to see you". I gave he one last kiss before i went back into the shower to get changed. Harry followed.

"Stay here" I sat him down on my bed and shut the bathroom door behind me. "You could just stay like that, i dont mind" He added. I laughed as I put on a loose jumper, jeans and my uggs, I put some light make up on as well and walked out brushing my hair. Harry was lying down on my bed throwing my pillow in the air. I made a sound trying to get his attention. "Come here you" He held my stomach really tightly. "Harry, not so tight" I demand. He left me down fast, and looked at me strangly, "Sorry babe" I smiled making sure he new their was nothing wrong.

"Are you okay" His eyebrows caved in looking consurned. "Yes babe, im perfectly fine" I faked a smile. I sat on the bed next to Harry as he put this hand on my thigh. I started brushing my hair, there was silence in the room, it wasnt awkward but it didnt feel normal. "Let me brush your hair" He smiled. Harry sat back and opened his legs, i stood up and sat between them, i handed him the brush and faced my door.

"You're going to look amazing tonight", Harry said as i played with his legs. "Thankyou baby, cant wait to see you" I turned around, as soon as Harry started to slow down with brushing my hair. I faced him and looked into his beautiful green eyes. I gave him a flirtly smiled as i looked down at my bed bitting my lip. "Chantel" He cupped my chin. "Yes?" I questioned.

He gave me a passionate kiss thats left me breathless. "That was random" i laughed. "I like random" Harry smirked at me. He started playing with his curls and shaking his head around as he placed his hair the way he likes it. I layed back on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "Wanna watch movies until 3:00?" I asked. "Sure thing babe" He smiled.

I grabbed 'The notebook' because that was one of my favourite movies too. I put my tv on and played the dvd. I got back into the same position i was before as Harry played with my hair.


As the movie finshed, i began to cry but i was laughing as well, the movie was sad. "Babbbbbbeee" Harry said in his baby voice. I hugged him and kissed him with alot of force. He laughed as i sat on him with my legs wrapped around his waist. I looked at his soft red lips, he began looking at my lips, as he bit his own. Harry leaned in slowly, and placed a gently sweet kiss on my lips. It made me get butterflys like it was our first kiss.

I smiled at him. "Its almost 3, I have to get ready". "Should i leave?" Harry questioned. "Yes babe" i said pulling a puppy face. "We were gonna have fun" Harry smirked. "That will have to wait till the after party" I said while closing the front door', Harry gave me one last kiss and i watched him leave.

I grabbed my bag out of my room, and texted my mum to pick me up at the hairdresses at 5:30pm. The prom started at 8 so it should be enough time to get ready. My mum agreed to pick me up as i walked to the salon.


Once i got there, i checked myself in and the lady over the counter told me to have a sit, the wait wasnt long. My normal hair dresser that i call Jess, called me up and ask me how i wanted my hair. "I would like it straight with some loose curls please". She nodded her head and took me over to wash my hair. "So have a date?" She laughed. "Yes, his my boyfriend" I giggled. "Well who is it?" Jess begged. "His name is Harry" I put on a big smile on my face. "And want to no something else?" I added. Jess nodded her head fast. "His british, with dimples and green eyes". "WOW. He sounds like a stunner" She replyed. "He is" I smiled.

I felt proud staying that Haz was my boyfriend, he was the one. Im sure of it! Jess dryed my hair and starting straighting it. "What you wearing tonight?" She ask. "A cute cocktail dress, it has sparkles up top and aqua at the bottom". "Sounds so cute" she replyed. As she finshed staighting my hair, Jess put the curler on.

While she was finshing my hair we didnt talk. It was looking great, Jess always does my hair amazing. Once she had finshed, i looked really nice, my hair looked perfect. "oh my god, thanks Jess" I hugged her, "Now your nails" She added.

"How would you like them?". "I want them just a peal colour to match my earrings" I smiled as i layed my hands over the nail bar. "You're going to looked stunning" I smiled and thanked her. The whole time i kept looking at how she was doing my nails. Jess put some clean nail polish over the nails and they sparkled in the light. I smiled really wide, they look amazing too. "All done" Jess said as we walked to the main counter.

"Thankyou Jess" I smiled. "No worrys babe. That will be $110 dollars thanks" I handed her the money and waved her goodbye. I sat outside because mum still wasnt here yet. I checked my phone and mum had texted me "Be there in 10 min". I put my phone back in my bag.

As a couple of minutes went past, i looked around and i seen Emily, and Shania. Ugh not them, I think they both just got there hair done. I did miss Em because we planned to do this together, it made me sad but i wasnt going to let two bitches ruin my night.

'BEEP BEEP' Theres my mum lucky i didnt see them, i hopped in the car. "Chan, you look beautiful", "Thanks mum" I gave her a kiss on the cheek. It looked like she was going to cry, "Mum are you gonna' cry?", "Yes, my little girl is growing up" I smiled as i held her hand. "I will always be your little girl" She smiled.








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