Chapter 6

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"Morning Babe" i heard a sweet, husky voice whisper in my ear. I opened my eyes and looked up, it was Harry, he leaned down and gave me kiss, as i smiled. Harry and I were lying in bed, i turned on the t.v and we watched some cartoons. Harry got up out of bed, with just his underwear on, i started laughing.

He turned around, looked at me and gave me a cheeky smile as he shakes his bum, because he knew i was perving at his amazing ass. "Want some breakfast, sweetly?" Harry asked. "Yes please" i replied. I got up out of bed and put one of Harry's jackets on. I walked into the kitchen and seen Harry cooking some bacon and eggs. When breakfast was done, Harry placed it on the table ready to eat. While we were eating Harry started a conversation.

"Wanna go out tonight love" Harry asked, "Where too" i chuckled.

"I'm not sure maybe out for dinner, i know a great place?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

I have no good clothes to wear. When i got kicked out i just grabbed some old clothes. I guess i could go shopping, but i have no money.

"Harry, i don't think we can go out tonight" I said sadly.

"Why?"Harry asked.

"Well.. I have no good clothes, and i have no money to buy anything new!"

"We could go out and by you something?"

"I cant ask you to give me money"

"Come on, Louis will help you, he has great style."

"Okay, ill go get ready"

"Ill call Louis" He smiled

I walked into Harry's room, where my bags were and started getting dressed. I was about to put my jeans on when Harry walked in. "Oh shit sorry" He laughed, as he got out quickly.

I started laughing and put my jeans on fast. "Harry come back in silly". Harry came up to me, and lifted me up, he pushed me on to the bed and started kissing me. He got up with his body still on top of me (with clothes on btw) and told me how beautiful i was. I playfully hit him on the chest and pushed him off of me as i smiled.

"Ready babe, Louis at the front?" Harry asked.

"Yep lets go"


We walked out the front and seen Louis, i forgot that no one new about me and Harry yet, so i wasn't sure how he was going to react. "Hello you too" Louis said as he almost laughed.

"Hey Louis" I smiled. Harry and I got in to the car and it was so awkward, no one was talking at all. "So you and Harry ay? Chantel!" Louis joked. Harry looked stright at me and held my hand. "Louis, Chantel and I are now dating, but you cant tell anyone, especially Shania and Taylah. OK!" Harry told.

"Nah mate i wont, i knew use to would hook-up, why is she living with you though" Louis asked. I looked at Harry, because i honestly thought he was going to tell him.

"Its a long story and its kinda personal" Harry said as i smiled.

Louis started driving and it was a little bit awkward still, until we got to the shops it wasnt local shops it was just a small town so no one would see Harry and i as a couple yet. We were looking around and they had nice clothes at cheap prices which was good!

Louis, Harry and I walked passed a store that had an amazing dress that was on the display window. It was a short red dress that was gorgeous.

I ran into the shop, Lou and Harry followed as they sat on the couches reading magazines as i asked the lady how much was that dress. She pointed at the dress making sure it was the right one and i nodded!

'That dress is $150, its a new arrival'

When she said that price my face instantly dropped because that was way to much money for Harry to spend on me.


Lou and I were sitting down as Chantel came up to us and begged to go home.

She looked quite disappointed. "whats wrong babe?" i questioned. "Hazza don't worry, its just the dress" Chantel said sadly, "i know you wanted to go out for dinner and all.. but Harry i wanna look beautiful!" She wasn't in a happy mood.

I grabbed her had a squeezed it tightly, "you are ALWAYS beautiful" i whispered into her ear! Chantel put her arms around mine and was hugging me until we went home.



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