Chapter 3

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Today is Friday and Emily and I are still not talking its been a week now, to be honest I don't see the big deal in me liking Harry. So i walked over to her locker and ask "Are we okay?" i didn't want to tell her about what happen between Harry and I, I know it wasn't a big deal but she will definitely still get jealous. After a few seconds she replied "yes were okay, but Harry's mine". We both laughed i didn't say anything, because i knew deep down he was mine.

When the bell rang we got our books and, Harry started talking to Emily and they both left me out, i was walking in the back by myself. I was really confused, last night Harry and I were together but now he is ignoring me and talking to Em. Did i do something wrong?

Last night was perfect for me, i really thought he may have liked me, but now i think he was just being nice, or just trying to lead me on. Emily and Harry sat together and left me out once again. They started laughing and getting closer. At the time I didn't know how to feel but I knew i was so jealous. That whole class they were laughing and it was getting to me. Emily would lean in and write something in Harry's book, i tried to see but Harry's lushes curls were in the way.

Once class was finished, i walked to my locker and Emily walked with Harry and didn't even look at me, i think she new i was jealous and i could tell she was loving this. I reached my locker when Harry hugged Emily. I have never been jealous like this, it was weird, like it was only a hug, I keep over thinking the situation but I couldn't help it.


Woah Harry just hugged me, I could feel his muscles in his back as he bent down for the hug. My heart was melting, his curls went on my face and they smelt like fresh coconuts from a palm tree and i like that. My heart is racing soo much, i really like him, i hope he feels the same way. When he finished hugging me, he looked in my green eyes and smiled, at me with his amazing dimples. Chantel walked over and gave me a werid look, Harry walked away as he said bye to me and smiled at Chantel. "OH MY GOD, DID YOU JUST SEE THAT HE HUGGED ME". "Yes i seen Emily" she replied, she sounded angry once again.

"Why are you mad at me again? you always pick fights"

"No i don't and I'm not mad at you OK!" Chantel said angrily.


I walked away from Emily because I couldn't stand to look at her for one more second, I had to control myself I was so close to hitting her, she kept bragging about her and Harry, i could have told her about Harry and I but I choose not too because i knew she would get jealous and I'm a good friend, but no she has to try and make me jealous again, that's all she ever does, she makes everything a competition.


Once the weekend was finished, Emily and Harry kept on getting closer and closer, he talks to me sometimes but not as much as Em. As the bell rang to go to our last class of the day, he came up to me and starting talking. "Hey Chantel" he said in his cute voice of his. "Hey" i replied sadly.

"Whats wrong babe?"

"Don't babe me"

"Whats wrong with you?"

"Harry, just don't worry"

"Tell me" he said in his cute voice and that sweet smile

"Harry... Do you like Emily?"

He took awhile to answer and i was so scared because i thought he was gonna say yes.

"No Chantel, to be honest I'm not sure who i like yet, I'm still new to the school, and don't know much people" He replied



Ive been talking to Emily and she is cute and all, but i think that were just friends. I think I might have feelings for Chantel. I've never felt this way before so quickly. I sat with Louis and Shania today, and Shania keeps on talking about Emily and Chantel. Louis tells her to stop but she never listens, Taylah walked passed us and Shania went with her. "Louis, do you really like her?" I asked. "Yes, i do but she is a bitch" He replied

"Well tell her that use can be just friends"

"I will brake her heart"

"If you don't like her, you don't have too go out with her anymore, she is rude and has no respect for anyone and she doesn't deserve someone like you"


Its Friday and the bell went to go home , but my car is getting fixed so i had to walk. All of a sudden its starts raining but I was only about 10 minutes away from my house as I was walking across the park and I saw Chantel sitting down on the park bench crying with her clothes in her bag, so I ran over to her and touched her shoulder. Chantel looked up and gave me a hug as she cried in my arms.  I gave her my jacket as we started walking to my house I wasn't going to let her go  because she couldn't stop crying, i had know idea what was wrong.

When we reached my house, my parents were out of town so it was just Chantel and I. I sat on the couch and Chantel was just starring and me, she still looked so beautiful. I patted the couch, so she can sit next me, she starting walking towards me, and sat down next to me, I opened my arms as I wrapped them around her.

"Why were you crying love? Is everything okay?, you can tell me" I told her in a soft voice. Chantel looked up at me, i could see that she was about to cry again. "I had a fight with my parents and they kicked me out" she replied and starting crying in my pillow.

"Why what happened?"

"I don't wanna talk about it, I have no were to live"

"Do you have any aunty's, uncles, grandparents, anyone you could stay with?"

"My mum is the only child, my parents are split up and I'm not aloud to talk to my dads side and my grandparents died when i was young" she said mumbling as tears ran down her eyes.

"Maybe, you could stay with me" i replied smiling.

"That's to much to ask, you all ready done so much"

"You didn't ask, i want you too. And your're staying with me, i insist." I said looking in her eyes

She started crying as she thanked me. I kissed her  forehead as she fell asleep on my chest.






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