Chapter 10

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When Chantel and I hopped in the car, she began getting more nervous the closer we got to her house. I grabbed her hand, so she knows I'm here for her. Chantel looked up and smiled at me.

When we got to Chantel's house, I was about to get out the car when Chantel begged me to stay. "Babe what if they hurt you?" I said concernedly. "There not going to hurt me, there my parents, if i take to long you can come in" She replied. "Ill be waiting".

Chantel walked to her front door, and before she knocked, she turned around and looked at me. I nodded my head , as Chantel knocked on the door.

When she knocked, her mum answered the door, she immediately gave Chan a hugged. I put on a smile on my face and they went inside.


"Mum, I've missed you so much"

"I've missed you too baby, I should've never kicked you out, I'm soo sorry"

"Where have you been staying, Chantel"

"Well one of my friends houses from school"

"Oh Emily?". "No Harry", when i said Harry her face kind of went confused.

"Who's Harry?"

"His my boyfriend, his in the car do you want to meet him?" I smiled when i said that, i new she was going to love him.

"Yes, i would love too"

I walked outside and seen Harry starring at the door, "Babe my mum wants to meet you". I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him inside, when he walked in, my mum looked impressed.

"Hello Harry, I'm Grace"

"Hello Grace, lovely to meet you". When Harry spoke, my mums face lit up. She came close to my ear and whisper 'his british'. I started laughing.

My mum offered to make us tea, and gave us biscuits. We chatted for a good hour, its going to be so weird not waking up to Harry, at least i see him at school. "Its still hot outside,wanna go beach babe?" Haz asked. "Yes, let me just get my bather and stuff" I replied. "Mum is that ok?" "Yes, you can sleep at Harry's tonight if you want to?" She added. "YES, i would".

When my mum said that Harry put on a pedoish smile, but i like it, because i new we were going to have lots of fun tonight. I went in my room and Harry followed, i got my mini shorts, singlet and bathers and walked in to the bathroom so i could get changed.

When i came out, Harry's eyes became bigger, but he wasn't starring at my face, he was looking at my boobs. "HARRY" i said while laughing, "sorry honey" he laughed.

He was sitting on my bed when Harry, when he put him finger out telling me to go to him. I walked over and he grabbed me, Harry started kissing my neck and my body, trying to get my naked, "Harry stop, we will continued after the beach". Harry smirked at me. "Babe i love you soo much, you are the one" Harry said in the cutest voice possible, giving me puppy eyes. "I love you more" i replied. "Impossible" He laughed making his dimples to appear.

I grabbed my bags, kissed my mum goodbye and so did harry. "Harry wheres you stuff?", "Its in my bag love".


When we got to the beach, Harry started getting changed in the car, he only had to put shorts on. We got out the car and there was pretty girls everywhere, i felt really insecure, because they were so skinny, and well I'm curvy, not fat curvy but i wasn't as skinny as them. I began taking my shorts and top of, leaving me in my bikini. "WOW" Harry said, "You look beautiful". I leaned in a gave him a sweet kiss, Harry makes me feel beautiful, and that's why i love him.

Harry was shirtless, which made all the girls stare at him, i don't blame them, he is gorgeous, but i got to say i was getting jealous. Harry didn't take any notice because he loved me and i new that. "Lets go swimming babe" Harry said while smirking.

So i got up, I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. I started walking to the water but he stopped me, "Not that swimming babe" Harry whispered in my ear, making me get turned on. I started laughing as Harry picked me up over his shoulder with our bags in his hand, walking over to the car, i couldn't stop laughing. He is so cheesy.


When we got to Harry's house, i wanted to have a shower before we did anything. "Harry want to join?" Ive never seen Harry look so surprise, i giggled and walked into the hot, steamy shower, leaving my bathers still on. "Harry you coming?", "Yes babe". Harry walked into the shower naked, he likes getting naked and i love him naked.

Harry started taking my bathers off and started kissing my neck, that lead up to my lips. I started playing with his curls and Harry started moaning, and soon after i began. Harry was biting my lips and pushing me against the shower walls, the steam around us made it more sexy.

We got out the shower and made out way to the bed, I slipped on Harry's floor, i couldn't stopped laughing neither could Harry. He picked me up and threw me on the bed, that night it was magical. It was one of the best night ever.






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