«Chapter XXIV»

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Spolier: Filler Chapter.

"I like you." The side of her lips stretched, her smile was brighter than the sunlight beaming through the windows of the palace.

You took a slow awkward step backwards, eyes narrowed at her incredulously. "You don't know me."

"I want to though, I'm going to." Her delicate fingers that reaches over hovered your rolled fist, she held it firmly between her hands. "I think there's going to be a good us, I just know it. We would be perfect."

Scoffing coldly you snatched your hand away. "Don't you think we're young for that?"

"Not too young to learn about each other first."

You stared at her in bewilderment, never have you ever met a girl so stubborn. Can't she get the hint that you don't like her? Doesn't she notice that when she advances, you back away.
Of course, that weird encounter was years ago, but the fact that it had happened so long you were confused as to why your mind is bringing it back now as though it was haunting you. Was it because of that girl you saw back at the campsite? How familiar she looked. Was it her? It can't be... Fleur's in France, what would be the reason for her to be in England?

It's not because of me...right?... Oh merlin Hermione is so going to chew me out on this. You thought to yourself. Wait a minute, why am I worried? It's not like we're dating or something.

A thick, large book slammed on the table in front of you, startling you from your deep thoughts. Looking up, Sirius was watching you closely. "Are you alright? You seem troubled."

"Just tired." You respond, leaning back on the chair to show. Tilting your head down, your fingers glide across the spine of the dusty leather book on the table, your nose scrunch at the whiff of particles tickling you nostrils.

"What's this?" You inquire, eyes scanning the letters protruding on the face of the book.

Sirius pulled a chair that was tucked under the table and sat in front of you. "It's a book about stars and constellations, I used to see Aquila read it every single day. I almost thought she's obsessed with it."

You opened it and flipped through the yellowish aged pages, skimming the written descriptions, insights, trivia's, and a full picture of patterned stars. The sensation of the paper on the pad of your fingers was odd to you, the mixed feeling of smoothness and at the same time with a hint roughness when your skin drag across the surface.

"It's a muggle book." Your uncle informs, noticing your reaction.

"I could tell," You run your hand across the writings, expecting for the pictures to move but none happened. "I always assume weird object are sometimes made by them."

"Muggles do have such effect on wizards. Always spiking our curiosity."

You pursed your lips, holding in the threatening smile starting to form, remembering that you had the same reaction when you first saw Hermione, at first glance she made you curious about who she is, the way she carried herself was far from any witch and wizards you've met.

"You're thinking about Miss Granger, aren't you?"

Heat creeps up to your neck. "N—No," You turn to another page again. "I'm looking at the constellations."

Sirius raised a brow at you in disbelief. "You do realise you're at the end of the book, right?"

Face was now burning in embarrassment, you slam the book shut with an irritated groan.

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