«Chapter IV»

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"Damn this dirty pipes." You grumbled to yourself, wiping your face with your sleeves only to be smudged by more slime covered in it. "Fuc-"

Few days later, after discovering the pipes, the school had been in a major lockdown, and by lockdown means students are prohibited to get out of their common rooms, no students would be caught walking in the halls without professors assisting them, basically the school's a tad bit close of shutting down.

And it is all because of Ginny Weasley, the girl who's been taken by the heir of Slytherin, as you over heard.

Since you know the potential place where the Slytherin heir and the basilisk hide, you head right away to moaning Myrtle's bathroom and opened the way to the pipes.

Beyond pissed, you mumbled few foul words and continued your journey. Your footsteps reverberating throughout the dark tunnel, you look around studying your surroundings, trying to find your way through the dark tunnel and find out who the culprit is.

A hissing sound pierced through the eerie silence. You squint your eyes, focusing your sight under the dark to find out where the noise came from. Your lips let out a tight sigh and your ankle tipped to the side when you felt something rolled under your foot and made a crunching noise.

You look down only to find numerous bones and small animal skulls covering the ground. Your nose scrunched in disgust. "The janitor must've forgot to clean here for years."

As you continued down the dark tunnel, you turn to a corner only to be stopped by a large wall towering over you. You studied the wall and see an outline of two serpents twisted together with its emerald eyes staring down at you like it was alive.

So this was it. "Open." You hissed.

The serpents parted and the wall slowly slid open, you craned your neck, looking through the small crack to see if there's anything inside.

You sighed deeply, gazing at the now open wall. "Why did I do this.."


It was dimly lit as you walk down the chambers, your eyes catching a sight of stone pillars carved with more entwined snakes supporting the ceiling as the greenish gloom of the chamber reminded you of the color of you house; Slytherin.

You quickly unsheathed your wand from your pockets, gazing at a feminine figure standing in the middle of the chamber between the end of the towering pillars and a face -you recognize as the face of Salazar Slytherin- carved in a large stone with her back towards you, her fiery hair were like glowing in the dark. Your eyes narrowed, your careful footsteps still bouncing off the walls of the dark chamber.

A short breath came out of your parted lips, pointing your wand towards the figure. "Stop whatever you're doing," You commanded, gulping down a lump starting to form in your throat.

The figure just stood there unperturbed, staring at the open darkness. You moved closer, you can feel your heart starting to pick up its beating phase.

"Turn around," You said. "And show me your face."

The girl seemed to follow your order and turned around enabling you to see her face. Your jaw dropped, staring at her. "Weasley..." You mumbled.

It was unbelievable, knowing that a girl like her; a first year, and most importantly a Weasley, would do something like this. Your eyes caught a glimpse of something she's holding in her hands. It was a leather notebook, the one you saw at moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

It must have something to do with all of this.

Your eyes darted to Weasley's and gazed at it closely, noticing her dull unblinking orbs as it stares back blankly. She's not aware of her surroundings. She does not know what she's doing.

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