«Chapter XXVIII»

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long chapter that you, my lovelies, deserved for your undying patience <3

"Please take out your books and turn it to page 27 lesson 3, the study of planets." Professor Sinistra lectures, crossing to the front of the class. "Our solar system consists of an average star we call the Sun...and the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto-"

As the lecture proceeded, at the back of the class you sat on the stone floor with your feet stretched in front of you. Laying across your lap is a long dark parchment of star chart with lines dividing the surface into 4 grids, a cluster of white dots spread across the surface like little specks of dusted snow, the circles represents as stars, some were small and blurry, others were large. The bigger the star the brighter it was in the sky. By now you were experiencing a massive headache, juggling between searching for a pattern of constellation and to the book that says where it is located.

It had been a week since the first task, given that you assumed students would be calm for now being that the second task will be continued next year after the holiday. You were wrong again. Last night at dinner Dumbledore announced an event that was a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament called as Yule Ball, from its name Yule, it would be held as a Christmas celebration. Because of that students, mostly girls, in classes are incapable of holding their squeaking noises even in their hushed voices in the middle of every class lectures. You would bet anything that they are talking about who will ask them to the dance.

Glancing at the front to check if the Professor is busy, you decided to rest your brains for a bit. You slip a hand in your pocket and pull out your mothers picture and stared at it. It was a relief that Fleur manages to still save it when you fell unconscious, you would literally pitch yourself from the astronomy tower if something bad ever happens to the picture while you were out. You stole the picture from your uncles album, the least you can do is to take care of it.

You can see in Fleur's eyes that she wanted to ask about who was in picture but decided not to. If there's one thing you like about her was despite of being stubborn —that if she wants something she's going to do anything to have it— sometimes when it comes to you she wouldn't pry.

A part of you still regret damaging photo, you swear you'd burn the Swedish short snout if you ever come across it.

Bringing your attention back to the photo, there she was smiling brightly that it can put the sun to shame. Is it always going to be like this? Seeing her only in photos, not being able to hug her, talk to her—

And most importantly, see her.

Hopefully not, because ones you find out any information regarding her whereabouts you'd drop anything just to follow her trails. For now you're just standing by; waiting even if you knew doing that would do you nothing.

Feeling a presence, You bury the picture back and watch Zach sit cross legged beside you. "Any progress?" He glances down to the star chart before placing a blank parchment on his lap and write with a quill.

"I'm close to ripping this paper." You grumble, glaring down at it. "Anyways, have you already asked someone to the Yule Ball? Champions needs to have partners right?"

He abruptly pause from writing. "I have no idea who to ask," You imagined a cross flying to his forehead, he says lies. "Actually I was going to ask you, then I remembered you're going with Hermione—"

"Hold that thought," You interrupt, the parchment on your lap slipping off. "I don't recall asking her out."

He snorts. "As if you're not going to."

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