«Chapter XXIII»

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This chapter wasn't suppose to be publish yet because there's still more I needed to add, but I wanted to give it to you, my lovelies, as a gift. I hope I'm not late in greeting you a Merry Christmas, and please enjoy today's chapter and I'll make it up to you on the next.

Once again Merry Christmas and! And I hope you had an amazing day.

"No..no.." You mumbled in a shaky voice, your terrified eyes watched the terror displayed in front of you. "Dobby you nee-"

When you look back down the elf had already disappeared, leaving without a trace. You didn't didn't think about it anymore and pump your legs as fast as you can, tothe direction contradicting to what witch and wizards are heading to.

Was this the reason why Dobby made you chase him away from the campsite? He knows this will happen? And if what he told you was the truth, then everyone around you would really be in danger.

Zach's parents, Zach.....'Mione

"Y/N!" A panicked Zach yank you by the arm causing you to tumble back and almost lose your balance, if it wasn't for his tight grip holding you up you sure be laying down getting trampled on. "Where the hell have you been?! Come on, Mom and dad are already with the Aurors."

Seeing Zach safe and learning his parents the same lifted a heavy weight in your chest, not entirely, you still don't know if Hermione already got out unharmed. She said she would be waiting for you and you promised you will be back.

"Zach I need to go back there!-Hermione, she's-"

"Hermione's going to be safe, for all we know she'd already be with the magic enforcements." Zach's grip tightened, tugging you with him. "We need to get away! There are-"

A loud rumble echoing from above interrupted Zach. You both lifted your heads to see a green mist whizzing up the already dark covered sky. On its thunderous explosion the green smoke morphed into a skull with a snake slithering around, you gulped at the sight, staring at it while your mind flashed familiarity at the image above as though you have seen it before. And you did, you know what it is.

Dark mark.


"Y/N!" Zach yelled at you when you managed to escape his clutch and stubbornly entered the already burned down campsite.

Your squinted eyes scanned through the mist blurring your sight, desperately trying to find the Gryffindor you promised to come back to. "'Mione!" Then your ears picked up a faint yell of a name being called.


"Y/N?!... Harry?!"

"Where are you?!" You yelled again, coughing out the smell of burned dust that filled your nostrils, inching forward to the shuffling noise behind the remnants of a tent standing on its last pair of pole.

You hear a slight shuffle, crunches of burnt timbers being stepped on. Your arm extends, fingers leisurely pinching the cloth away. ".....'Mione?"

An arm shoots through the charred fabric, fingers firmly clasped around your neck pressing your windpipe. Startled, you tumble back to the ground with one of your hand instinctively holding on the persons wrist bringing him along. You grunt painfully, feeling the air in your body being squeezed out of your chest. A familiar obsidian eyes bore onto yours, this time it radiated a wide thirsty craze. You glared at the man above, you were right he would be causing trouble.

"What do we have here," He let out a dark chuckle. "You know, the lord wouldn't have other things to think of if he just let us end you. After all, you're easy to kill." There was a poke in your neck, the tip of his wand dig on your skin. "I just don't understand why he just won't let us."

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