«Chapter VI: Prisoner of Azkaban»

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"Now this is what I'm talking about!" You hear Zach yell through the heavy gust of wind.

The wavering light glow of the moon shine in your eyes as the dark skies sparkled with dim stars and the mist of clouds touched your skin. You tightly gripped the wood on your palms and steadied yourself on your broom stick -that was a gift from your best friend's parents- to avoid falling from a hundred thousand feet high distance. Another gust of wind blew as you see Zach zipped passed you in a 360 degree motion, hearing him yell out another scream of excitement from the activity you both are in.

"Becareful you crazy buffoon, you might crash or something. " You shouted from the deafening sound of air passing through your ears.

Zach turned his head halfway around. "What could I possibly hit this ti-" Before Zach could finish his sentence he felt a hard slam against his gut and his upper body propelled over his broom.

He tightened a hand and gripped the broom to support his body from falling over while the other instinctively made its way around something that hit him on the stomach. Tilting his head down, he stared at the brown, unconscious owl with a parcel hanging on the tip of its claw. Good thing it didn't fell from the sky or it'll be a big issue in the wizardry world and the muggle world.

Guiding your broom beside Zach. "Now look at what you've done. How is it suppose to deliver the parcel now?"

"I don't know," Zach muttered sheepishly. "How about we just throw it away, maybe the reciever won't notice."

"No," You shook your head in disagreement, but you know well that he was just kidding.

Just then a pair of owls joined in and flapped its wings beside you, one was a large snowy female that looked familiar, but you're too preoccupied to think of where you saw it. The second has a feather of brown and orange mix of color, both carrying their own packages. The white one softly hoot, flapping its wings closer to Zach and clawed the parcel from the unconscious owl and hold it while the second one grabbed the unconcious one by the foot and pulled it from Zach, now it was dangling down like a sleeping bat.

"Let me help you," You reached the package of the white owl and hold it for a moment. The white owl's free claw grabbed the unconscious one's other leg.

Looking around your body, you searched for something. "Here this'll help." You tilt your head up to Zach and see him handing out a tie that came from his shoes.

Grabbing the tie from your companions grasp, you tied it around the parcel and tied the other end of the string around the unconscious owls legs. Hearing a satisfied hoot, the three owls backed away, and if you could understand the owls language the hoot would probably be a thank you. The birds flapped their wings and wheeled to another direction where they continued to fly until you can only see is their little form in the distance.

"Well, that was an odd thing to hit in the sky." Zach commented as he gazed at the direction where the owl's disappeared to.

"Poor owl, you almost killed the little guy." You looked at him in disbelief.

"Hey, at least it wasn't a hit and run." Zach responded with a joke and a sheepish smile.

You rolled your eyes at him and maneuvered your broom back to your original direction. "Come on, your parents might be already looking for us." You told him as the two of you lowered your upper bodies and zipped through the white mist.


Slamming the door close of your bathroom connected in your room, you brushed your damp hair with a towel and head towards your desk. You turned on the lampshade on your table filling the dark room with a small glow of light and took a seat on the chair you just pulled out that was under the desk.

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