«Chapter III»

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Giggles filling the air echoed in your ears as you entered the Great hall for breakfast. Your eyebrows creased at the amount of irritating colors and adorable objects decorated in the massive hall. Lurid pink flowers decorated the walls, heart shaped confetti raining down the ceiling and worse, the aura of positivity radiating from every corners of the room gave you a jumbling gut feeling.

Letting out a low guttural groan, you head towards the Slytherin's table taking your usual spot beside a certain brown head boy that was already chewing his food. Serving yourself some eggs and flat cakes then poured some syrup on top, you took a bite of the small slice you took out of it and craned your neck over your house mates and briefly looked towards the faculties table.

Zach tilted his body on your direction, nudging you softly on the arm. "Liked the set up?"

"Oh gosh no," You groaned, facing back down to your food. "I'm tempted to set the hall on fire."

"Lighten up Y/N," Zach placed another flat cake on his plate. "It's hearts day, why don't you let your heart out of its cage or maybe send some love letters to your girlfriend."

"Hermione's not my girlfriend." You shoot him a venomous glare.

He quickly raised his hands in defense, his utensils clattering on his silver plate. "I never said any names."

"But you've been teasing me to her every time."

"And I'll never stop until the two of you happen." He muttered amusingly, eating his food again.

"Happy Valentine's day everyone!"

Ignoring professor Lockhart's voice and the large double doors opening followed by multiple footsteps entering the room, you chewed your breakfast quietly and remembered your investigation about the chamber of secrets.

You were on a dead end, and you don't even know what progress the three Gryffindors had already made since the polyjuice potion. The other thing you've been thinking about is the basilisk, where the hell did it came from and how did it enter the castle without anyone noticing it.

Those questions still remained in your head that would put a stop in your tracks remembering it, but for now it'll be a nagging thought in your mind.


"Is it weird that I didn't smell anything?" Zach asked.

Potions class just ended and the students came piling in the door way to get out of the room as much as possible. Throwing your satchel on one of your shoulder, Zach walked beside you as the two of you exited the classroom after all students finally got out.

The halls were packed with students that had finished their classes while a bunch of lower year students entered the deserted classrooms for their own session.

Potions class was a bit better than the other days, actually, the only and maybe will be the only better session in your entire year. The class learned all about Amorthetia, the potion that would reveal something you're attracted to by just a smell. And today, every student in class were given a chance to smell the potion.

"No," You shrugged your shoulders. "Maybe something's wrong with you."

Zach frowned at your statement and huffed childishly. He rolled his eyes in front of him. "How about you? What did you smell?"

"Well.." You squinted your eyes and thought for a moment, remembering the sensation of your nose and the whiff of the brewing potion in the cauldron. "I smelled old books...parchment... And a hint of something I don't know."

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