«Chapter XVIII»

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Following chapters are going to be long.

Growing up, you never really fathom that people would let someone get their hearts broken as easy as it beats in their chest. For you it was absurd, why let people have a part of you? Why give a piece of you when at the end they'll just disappoint you? Why give them that chance when you can save yourself the trouble.

And now you stand at the corner of the hall realising that you've been wrong all along. It's not that people trust themselves to others, it just happens and they can't do anything to stop it. When the heart decides, you wouldn't even notice that you already let someone inside. It all takes at how their actions would make you regret it. Just how easy your heart shattered when Hermione effortlessly flung her arms around Weasely when they heard the news that Buckbeak, the hipogriff, will be killed.

He was her friend and you drilled that in your mind as if you were carving words in a wood. He's just a friend nothing more, like you and it shouldn't have affected you, though it did. It was an unbearable sight to see. Now you drag your feet across the hallway with a hollow chest, bumping shoulders with other students and you didn't even feel it.

The second time you got your heart wrecked was at night on a schoolday in the Slytherin common room when you were studying for your OWLs that were nearing as the days passed by. Books piled the table occupying a lot of space. It was a good thing you study on an hours when students are in their dormitories preparing for bed. It took a lot of your time that you didn't remember you have lessons with Harry and Lupin, but you know they'd understand.

What piled in your plate even more was the news about your uncle almost stabbing Weasely few weeks ago. You swear you almost worn out his ears off fussing about what he did and he should've thought more than ambushing the boys dormitory, now all Gryffindor's high on alert making it harder for the both of you to get closer to the rat. You were sorry for Neville getting punished.

Mind messy like the books scattered before you. You groan in irritation, already annoyed that you were still halfway before finishing. Throwing your head and arms on the table to take a short rest you winced at the pressure you put on your bruises. Grumbling to yourself, in your peripheral vision you notice someone.

You see Zach's tall figure standing by the dormitories entrance, his impassive eyes watching you. Both of you stared at each other with no words exchanged to filter the silence, just the light taps of the black lake creatures on the window trying to get your attention.

“Zach I—” But the boy had gone inside already, the door in his dormitory closing shut.

Falling back in your seat with a dejected sigh, you bit your quivering lips and blink a couple of times to control your shaky eyes.

Shaking your head and snatching a book from the table, you returned to what you were there for, the same time to distract yourself from what just occured.
Your days consisted of tiresome lessons, in and out of classes and learning new things that you've already familiarised in your advance study for OWLs, it wasn't all but plain and boring. It lasted a whole month and you were getting tired of it.

Tossing the Arithmancy book ontop of the third years Care for Magical Creatures that you just finished reading—the book opening its monstrous mouth and sink its fangs in the Arithmancy— you gaze at the towering books infront of you, pleased that you finally could take a breather from studying. It almost feels that the books suffocated you more than the time you nearly drowned at the black lake, studying tortured you more than the wounds stinging on your body.

Speaking of it, the bruises were barely noticable and wounds were now healed leaving scars that you only can see up close, it still catches eyes but students never really paid attention to it.

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