«Chapter VII»

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"Rise and shine sleeping beauty!"

Your body jolt from a loud slam of your bedroom door, waking you up from your deep slumber. Craning your neck up, you see Zach walking in his trousers and Slytherin sweater, set and ready to go. You look at the clock on your bedside table, seeing that it's still a little early for you to wake up from your original time plan. Groaning loudly, you threw the sheets over your head and turned your back towards him.

"Zach it's six in the morning, and the train leaves at eleven." You reminded.


"So?" You mimicked. "It's too early for me to deal with your shit."

You felt the bed dipped followed by the sheet being pulled away from your grasp letting the bright light of the sun burn past your closed eyes lids. He must've opened the window blinds. "Get up Y/N, we need to be a bit early than the others or we'd run out of compartments."

"Okay okay," You muttered repeatedly, turning around to face Zach and sneakily pointing your heel towards him.

You pumped your legs and kicked Zach on the back, he fell off the bed with a loud thump of the floor and his painful whimper that made music in your ears. Peeking down at him, you shoot him a victorious grin.


Later that day as you arrived at the Kings Cross an hour early, using the ride Zach's parents had sent, you and Zach exited the vehicle and hauled your luggages from the trunks and set them on your trolleys. Maneuvering them down the barrier between platform nine and ten as you swerve through crowds of busy people. Zach guided his trolley slowly with you following alongside him.

Both of you strolled towards the metal barrier nonchalantly with your trolleys rolling in front of you, just in a second the scenery morphed on to platform nine and three quarters and you see the scarlet steam of the Hogwarts Express. There were already a few wizards and witches standing outside the train to see their children off in about an hour.

After setting your luggages in the carriage located at the end of the train, the both of you begin to search for a compartment. Zach immediately stopped on his stracks after passing through one compartment -that was already occupied by just one person who seemed to be asleep- and open the compartment door saying that he's too lazy to walk down the corridor anymore.

Throwing yourselves down to the soft cusioned seats in front of each other, Zach spoke. "Think this goin' to be an interesting year?"

"I don't doubt that," You answered as you gaze out the windows seeing the platform slowly gets crowded with Witches and Wizards finally arriving.

One by one students occupied the once empty compartments, part of their bodies squeezed through the medium sized windows waving their hands to their parents in farewell as the train slowly descend the platform for a start of another school year. Outside the windows coming into a view is the large expanse greenery in a blur due to the trains speed, you stare outside and watch the trees pass by.

Your attention was caught by a group out side the compartement, you see a familar Gryffindors passing by, a certain witch with her eyes landing on yours as she peeked through the glass window. A small smile curled on her lips before she disappeared behind the wall.

"You know, this Sirius guy is really getting in my nerves." Zach muttered causing you to turn and see him reading Daily Prophet. "His face is on every headline, making Quidditch news hard to find." Flipping through the pages you see Sirius's face at the front page.

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