«Chapter X»

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Your fingers grazed the thick old leather cover as you slid it across the spine of the book while your eyes scanned its labels. You've been searching the library for nearly three hours since you've arrived from Care for Magical Creatures class. Turning your head around, you can already see piles of already read books on the table. Heaving out a tired sigh, you approached the chair that was already pulled back and took a seat, leaning sideways and stared absentmindedly at the books that were like littered on the table.

A frown made its way to your face, already thinking to burn the books knowing that it was useless, it didn't even give you a bit information about something that is nagging your mind. The only thing that could give you an answer right now is Zach's family.

Speaking of Zach, while you're in the library searching, he was sending your letter to his father who is currently working in the Ministry of Magic, making it quick for you since it would be easy to get the answers from one of the unspeakable in the department of mysteries.

Your attention averted when you hear a short strided, quick phase footsteps resonating in the quiet library. Madam Pince appeared from behind the bookcases, her eyes immediately landing on to you making her pause on her tracks. She glance down to the toppled books laying on the table in front of you and back to your eyes.

“You better clean that when you're finished.” She said sternly, twirling the handle of her feather duster in her fingers.

“Will do ma'am,” You quickly stood up and picked up some books. “I'm already done anyways.”

She watched you curiously. “It's the first day of class, why are you even reading that much books?”

“Just researching something.” You replied,while tucking about two or or three books under your arm.

Seeing an unsatisfied look in your  eyes. “Well how was it? are you finished?” You shake your head at her. “If you'd like, I could help you.”

“Oh.. no it's alright, thanks ma'am.” You gave her a thin lipped smile, hesitating for a moment. “But I think Zach's on his way, I asked for his father's help.”

Madam Pince nodded, bringing her arms back to her sides before turning away. “Very well, I expect this section clean on my next round.”

“On it ma'am.” With that you watch her continue down the hall.

You let out an exasperated sigh, that was an opportunity wasted, you're sure madam Pince could've help you getting in to the restricted section and search from there but you can't risk it. Hermione had reasons why she doesn't tell anyone how she can be at any place at the same time, and how she can do it. That's why you declined the offer, assuming that she'll get in trouble of anybody gets an idea, especially if its a professor.

Madam Pince was so nice to offer a help though, you didn't even expect her doing that. Talking about her, you've heard that she was very strict and uptight to students, well she still is, though you cannot help to notice that she's a bit lenient to you and Zach, maybe because with the two of you hanging around mostly at the library last term and having a normal conversation with her sparked up a little friendship.

“Y/N!” Zach's voice filled the silence and was immediately shushed by the librarian who was now behind her desk. He smiled at her sheepishly as he passed by her. “Sorry ma'am.”

Zach found you tucking books back to its original place and pulled a chair beside what he assumed was your chair that stood sideways. He sat down and watch you do the same then threw a letter down the table and it slid between the two of you. He sat there catching his breath from rushing across half of the castle to send a letter and back to return some answers, you were really grateful that he was entirely alright for doing  that.

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