«Chapter XXV»

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The next morning the storm had already ceased, though there was still dull gray clouds on the ceiling; hanging overhead while students took their breakfast to start their day. Zach's utensils clatter messily on his plate as he finished eating, fishing out his course schedule that you got for him when you took yours. He scanned the writings closely, his blue eyes swiping across the front page of the paper.

"Divination first thing in the morning," Zach groans distastefully, then pushes the schedule in front of you, a spoon of butter almost drop back in your plate. "Look! We have Defense Against Dark Arts tomorrow morning, bet you we'd have all new experience with the new Professor. "

You bite out of your buttered toast, free hand swatting the object away. "Not much of an experience like his face had gon-"

The table loudly rattles, Zach kicking the table from under to cut you off of your statement. His brows raised, wide eyes darting to the entrance at your opposite side to signal you. There you see Professor Moody entering the Great Hall, every student around voluntarily put down their breakfast just to watch him limp across to the staff's table. Haven't they already had enough staring at the Professor? They had the whole time at yesterdays welcoming ceremony.

"He's an...odd Professor we've ever encountered, still, lay your comments about him low." He advised. "I mean, unless he's not around."

You place down your empty goblet, hot chocolate quickly downed, warming you. "Okay....can you blame me though? He's just..." Pausing abruptly, you eyed the Professor in thought as he pass by your table. "There's something weird about him, I don't know what.."

Professor Moody snatched a flask from his pockets and took a quick swig of its contents. You scrunch your nose. "Are teachers even allowed to drink?"

"Don't know. I guess as long as he's not drunk." Zach answers as the two of you shift out of your seats. "Want to head down to the library for old time sake?"

Your face dims. "Frickin' OWLs." You grumble, trailing behind your best friend.

"Library on the first day of class?" Madam Pince's brows curved in suspicion, arms crossed against her table. "Let me guess, OWL's?"

"It's like you're reading our minds." Zach beams, flamboyantly strolling past the librarians desk to head towards your usual study area.

Ones situated in one of the tables, you and Zach had an immediate start on studying for OWL's; Zach reciting substantive charms with his fingers plucked in his ears while you reread your last notes of locomotion and summoning charms. You only have hour and a half before the first class starts so you're making the most of it.

Pulling your attention away from your notes, you draw out your wand and eyed two set of piled books in front of you with one taller than the other. You glared at it, focusing on the tingling wave in your palm as you held the wand firmly in your fist. The book Achievements in Charms levitates in the air, slowly gliding across a small amount of space before it lands on the opposite side.

You hear slow claps making you turn your head. Hermione waltzes towards your table, lips curled admiringly, a book tucked under her arm. "Here to start studying for your OWLs Granger?"

"Not at the moment," She plopped down on the seat beside you, glancing at Zach. "I'm doing a research."

You look down to the book she placed on the table, head tilting. "Planning on working for the ministry?"

"No, but that would be a good idea." Hermione turns the book open. "I'm doing research about elves and their need to be freed from slavery."

"Oh.. uh.." You released an awkward laugh, shifting uncomfortably. "That's...great."

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