«Chapter XXXII»

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Warning: Better find Fleur fanfics if you want to recover from this.
Bright, gentle flicker of light taint the forthcoming night sky, soft iridescence of golden-yellow day swirls across the edge kissed the horizon, heaving in bluish dark atmosphere. Faint, indistinct voice drowned by your thoughts leaving it a blurr in your ears. You stare at the woman up front of the class, absentmindedly trailing your eyes upon Professor Sinistra, not wanting to look like your attention weren't solely on her discussion.

After catching up to long three years worth of Astronomy books in a span of five to six months you finally earned a place to join your classmates and understand some familiar fundamentals that were going to be used and specified. There were a lot of changes at the start, including the hidden glances from Professor Sinistra, reminding you of her almost slip up of your real identity. You were confused as to why she knew and how could you forget something crucial.

Not all that, you've been trying to find Hermione for the past days to talk to her, but the stubborn girl was way too smart—nothing new about that— ducking at every corners and taking sharp turns at hallways just to avoid you. It frustrates you how you can't even fathom where to begin with, Zach isn't trying to help either.

With the final task closing in his injury were far from what you call healed, the damn boy won't admit it. He struggles to keep up with your trainings, his magic wouldn't properly execute out of your wand —in short he'd be dead to even last five minutes in the tournament, and that's something you've been trying to avoid and keep drilling to his head to forfeit the game.

It was then you were brought back to reality, back listening to the lesson when there was a gentle tug somewhere on yhe edge of your robe, Zach calling you out of your reverie. Blinking, around you student were silent and staring at you expectantly. Your eyes flicker to the Professor who had the same look as the rest.

Muttering under your breath, you subtly whisper to your bestfriend. "Why are these morons looking at me?"

"You were asked a question." His response was quick, stifling a laugh at your comment.

Clearing your throat, neck burning, you stand. "Apologies, Professor, what was the question?"

Her gaze were firm, eyeing you with an annoyed expression. "I repeat, if you're already listening, name four moons of Jupiter."

"Right..the four moons of Jupiter are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto." You cite.

With a curt nod of acknowledgement, Professor Sinistra turns back to class. "The four moons were discovered by a Muggle named, Galileo Galilei in 1610 when he looked at Jupiter through one of the first primitive telescopes—"

"Any luck finding Granger?"

"Fuck luck. I don't think it likes me." You scoff quietly, turning the page of your book furiously. “Everything's going downhill at this point, and I don't have one clue what to do.”

"Damn," He clicks his tongue. "You gotta solve that little by little." He adviced. "Start with Fleur first."

"What about her?"

"Dude. If you hadn't noticed yet, she's the reason why Granger's emotions are all over the place." Zach grew annoyed when your brows furrowed in thought.

Bending closer to you. "Granger's jealous, dumbass!" He whisper-yelled. "Just like you at Krum."

"I'm not jealous of Krum," You denied. "And why would she be jealous? I already told her Fleur's...Damnit." Your words in the end changed in realisation.

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