«Chapter XX»

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There was a light tickling sensation on your skin, soft and delicate as a feather; relaxing, like unexplainable magic that ones touch soothes your tensed muscles. You've been a witch all your life but your thoughts made you question yourself and your knowledge of magic- does such thing exist? Can someone do that with only a skin against one? Leaving a mark in a touch?

Coming back to your senses, your heavy eyelids opens and see Hermione sitting quietly on the edge of the bed next to you, in a deep daze as she absentmindedly trail her finger on your exposed skin, tracing indefinite patterns with her fingertips . She then pressed her palm flat on your neck and smoothes it down to your shoulders then to the area of your collar bone.

You gently placed a hand over hers. "You're having too much fun 'Mione. Control yourself." You croak, shooting her a lopside smile.

Hermione snorts, slapping your hand away. "I wasn't, I just...I can't understand how this happened...what did this. Who..." She mused, her face scrunching in deep thought. That adorable face she always make when she's thinking.

"You're not the only one, I've been thinking of the person as well." Sighing wearily, you adjust your head, the pillow in the
infirmary were all but comfortable, perhaps it was overused at the amount of patients in and out, or mostly because of you.

Infirmary, you weren't surprised at where you are seeming that you always find yourself in the same place that you always wake-up to when doing something reckless; the difference was you weren't alone.

On the other beds at the opposite side of the room were occupied by an unconscious Harry, and Ron, who you keep noticing frown at your direction but your used to it by now. Ron has his injured leg already in a splint and propped up on a tower of pillow Madam Pomfrey should have set up. Harry meanwhile was really knocked out, looking exhausted in his sleep. Now you wonder what happened to him.

The bed creaked when you bounce to sit up in alarm, surprising Hermione at your sudden movement. "Where's Sirius?!" Your eyes had a frantic scan around the room to find your uncle.

She hold on to you shoulder, gently pressing you back to the bed. "Sirius he's...been captured -before you do anything, Dumbledore's with the head Ministry trying to assess the problem."

"He's innocent 'Mione! he's... telling the truth!"

Hermione rubbed your shoulder. "We know, I know, we believe you. All that's left for us to do for now is to wait for Dumbledore."

You nod, knowing that the girl before you was right. At this point Dumbledore is the only person who can save Sirius, you just hope he can convince the ministry. Switching your attention to Hermione, you raised your hand and reach for the side of her face, your thumb stroking her heating cheeks that tinged with pink. Your eyes traveled down her neck and to the thin chain sticking out of collar of her sweater that she failed to hide.

Hooking it with your finger, you leisurely pull the time turner out from her sweater. "I heard you dropped out of Divination."

"I-uh, yeah..but...its..." Hermione stutters with her cheeks intensified with heat, her tone mixed of panic and embarrassment. Her hand immediately clasp on the pendant, hiding it away.

"What a rebel Granger." You had a teasing grin on your face. "That's an achievement." You shift your hand to her closed fist unrolling it to reveal a small hourglass within three rotatable rings. "So this is what the Time Turner looks like. How do you use it?"

Hermione had a bewildered face. "You knew?...how?"

Ruffling her hair. "Saw it the first day of class. Besides that, you're the only curly haired girl that always catches my eyes, two Hermione's are easy to notice." You admit. "Enough about that, how do you use it?"

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