«Chapter II»

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Darkness crawled from the corners of the Slytherin Common room, the stone walls of the dungeon radiated a chilling aura that would make other houses cold to their bones. The deep orange glare of the crackling fire glowed on your face and reflected in your [Eye/C] orbs like a little ball of fire.

The sound of Zach's loud yawn interrupted your reading. You closed the book you've been studying for quite awhile, catching up from the past lesson you've missed until you got transferred in Hogwarts.

You sighed deeply, looking up to the clock that has been ticking away in the silent room. "It's almost midnight," You groaned, rubbing your tired eyes. "We should probably head back to our room."

Zach nod silently as he pushed himself from the sofa, grabbing his potions book that lied flat on the cushion. "Good night.." He mumbled sleepily and you nod your chin at him, watching him enter the hall towards the boys dormitory.

You gazed at the books piled up on the table in front of you, not believing that you managed to read all of it in half of the day. You tossed the last book you've read and stood up from the single chair you've spent your hours sitting on and prepared to retreat back to bed after cleaning your books.

The sight of the towering books made you irritated, it was going to be a trouble carrying it back and forth to your room. You extend one of your arms, reaching for the book you'll carry.

Kill..I want to kill..

You jumped back in panic, turning around to see if is there was anyone around. You could've sworn you heard someone whispering in an oddly hush tone, its voice seemed to be coming from somewhere in the corners.

Feet slowly stepping forward to the wall in front, you warily moved towards the wall with your head inclining forward to find the culprit. You looked around to any specific spot that someone might hide in case of playing tricks on you. But found no one.

for so long....kill..

You placed your hand on the dungeon walls, setting your ears closer when you heard the voice within them. Your hands crawled on the walls, following the voice that was beginning to fade away.

You climbed up the stone stairs and passed through the common room's entrance to a direction where you would still hear its chilling voice. The question echoing in your mind was; who would that be? You know your father's voice, and you're strongly sure that the voice was not him.

You found yourself alone in the halls where no student would be found, where at this rate will be punished if they ever saw them out past curfew. And you didn't want to be expelled again like the rest of your school.

It was a surprise when you still haven't been caught by the head student, but you didn't care for the moment, all you focused on was the voice you're following

Lost within the Hogwarts halls, where you still haven't able to familiarize your surroundings, You made a sharp turn and saw something bizarre at the end of the hall in front of you. It looked like the darkish ends of a tail slithering out from your sight and into another hallway to the left.

It was too large to only be a dragon's tail, are they even allowed in Hogwarts?

Your feet thumped against the floor and the ends of your robe flapped in the wind as you dashed across the hall to follow the thing you saw. You turn to the corner and your eyes were blinded by the flashing light that shoots in front your unguarded sight. You squeeze your eyes shut, staggering back, hearing a loud thud nearby.

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