«Chapter XXVI»

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Author's note : Making Fleur's accent in this book is damn hard.

The announcement had ended and the students from the other schools made their way down to find which table they would be in. You were staring at your empty plate, hiding your face, sneaking a quick look through your eyelashes, trying to see where your two old friends would be hoping that they won't think of even sharing the table with you.

Fortunately for you the group of Beauxbatons students gathered around the closest table, which were at the Ravenclaw's. Good, you don't think you'd be ready to talk to Fleur yet. You sighed in relief, that was too soon because you heard someone clearing a throat behind you to get your attention. Turning your torso, you stare up at Krum who had a lopsided smile on his face, his fellow classmates waiting behind him.

"Is the seat taken?" The boy asked, jotting his chin on the empty spaces around yours and Zach's table.

Your lips parted to reply, making up an excuse and lie but then Zach was the first to respond.

"Not taken, please sit." Zach motioned, you can feel his inner fan boy self talking and not thinking.

Krum sat at the opposite side, still eyeing you. "It's been too long, I'm hurt that you never thought about sending me a letter."

You rolled your eyes. "Don't want to take your time from your precious fans."

"You know I'd always have the time for you." He grins flirtatiously.

Snorting loudly. "No thanks."

The quidditch star chuckles half heartedly, averting his attention away.

You didn't just leave Durmstrang without any other word for nothing, this was one of the hundreds reason why you left. Viktor Krum, the boy who'd always be on your tail, persuing you to date him every time he has the chance to be with you. And for the same reason why you reject him like the others, you were too young for that.

"-the tournament will be officially opened at the end of the feast." said Dumbledore. ", I now invite you all to eat, drink, and make yourself at home!"

The plates in front of you were filled with the usual dishes that elves worked hard to prepare, though there was a greater variety when you see new addition of food served- not totally new to you, for the students in Hogwarts they would be foreign.

Zach's eyes scrunched, drawing his eyes closer at the reddish soup with sea shells and fish . "What the hell is this?"

Your face screwed up in disgust, your reaction was the same as him. "That's bouillabaisse, a french spicy seafood stew."

Back in Beauxbatons, that's one of your most hated dishes every time it was served in dinner. Something about the taste of salty sea makes you gag. Gazing at the dish, two pair of mesmerising cerulean eyes flashed in your mind. Blinking rapidly you diverted your attention away. The dish was served to every student in Beauxbatons, leaving a meal unattended was frowned upon the school due to Madam Maxime declaring that people shouldn't waste food. And being that you hated the bouillabaisse, one person was willing to take care of it for you, telling you that it was a win and win situation considering it was her favorite.

Zach jerks back, pinching his nose. "Merlin, the smell is horrible."

"I second that." You buttress, serving yourself some drumsticks, gravy and mashed potatoes.

You see Zach's face turn red as a tomatoe. "What's the matter with you?" You tapped his shoulder. When he wouldn't budge, you followed his line of sight and see what-who-he was gawking at.

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