Chapter 32

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Hey Guys, quick disclaimer before you continue, there is a lot of switching of povs in this chapter. That being said, I hope you enjoy it.

Storm's Pov

This time I wake up with a jolt, looking around only to sigh in disappointment. It's still dark.

I raise my hand to my head rubbing my temples with my index finger. How long has it been honestly and who was that person?

Was it a dream or side effects from the injections because everything seems so silent except for the faint sounds of water trickling down.

I sigh running my fingers through my hair. Think Storm you need to get to Artemis.

The mark!

Without thinking twice I rub the mark intensely only to yell out in pain when it fucking burns me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A deep voice muses and I furrow my brows. It doesn't sound like the person I was talking to.

"You know you're really strong for a human." He continues, footsteps echoing around the room.

Who the heck is this dude.

"Who are you?" I snap glaring at nothing. He chuckles, the sound closer to me than I originally thought.

"Who am I is not relevant. The question you should be asking is who really is your mate."

I freeze at the mention of Artemis, clenching my fist to the side I try getting up only to fall back down.

He laughs, his steps finally stopping in front of me and I raise my head, a gasp nearly escaping my lips as bright crimson eyes- well eye anyway since it's only one I can see stare at me.

He looks away. "It's kinda of dark in here, how about some light."

Just like that the room is flooded with lights and I raise my hand shielding my face from the sudden intrusion in my eyes.

Damn it's bright.

I blink repeatedly trying to adjust to the brightness around me before dropping my hand and looking around me.

The room is empty, just dark grey walls all around me and a door at the far end. So where did I hear the water from because there's not even a bathroom here. The ground looks dirty and taking one look at myself, I realise I'm in the clothes I wore except for the fact that my part of my jeans has been torn and used as a bandage around my leg.

Finally lifting my gaze to the asshole, I lean back, my jaw tightening as I glare at the one-eyed dick.

He sits comfortably in a chair, tilting his head to the side with a grin on his face as those crimson eye stare at me, the other one covered in a black eye-patch.

Getting acquainted with Artemis sure has put me out of freaking out when I see weird things.

"You know you remind me of someone with that glare." He says with a thoughtful look and shrugs. "But that's not important anyway."

I remain silent, just staring at him. If he thinks I'm gonna talk then he's mistaken.

He stares at me curiously. "You aren't going to say anything?"

My reply is just glaring at him more and that seems to amuse him greatly.

He stands to his feet and I take notice of how freakishly tall he is. Adjusting the cufflings of his shirt, he steps forward crouching down to my level with the same grin on his face.

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