Chapter 11

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Storm's Pov

"You stupid. hit. can't. hit. keep it. hit. in your motherfucking pants. hit. ugly son of a bitch. hit!!!!" Smacking Lyle with my pillow as he tries to block it with his arm.

"Storm stop it's okay, you'll hurt him!" Artemis yells tugging my arm trying to pull me away from Lyle.

"Good, death by pillow should do the trick! Next time he'll think twice before christening my bed with his juices!" I snap hitting Lyle who is laughing.

"Payback bitch!" He cackles.

I scoff at him."Payback for what?!

"For hogging the damn toilet and being a dick for the past few months!" He yells trying to dodge the pillow.

I pause my movement and he uses that opportunity to move from underneath me. "You self certified idiot! Why couldn't you I don't maybe put a spider on my bed because I'm freaking terrified of them!"

"And have you put a fucking snake in my shoe like the last time. Yeah I think the fuck not. "He says sarcastically and I growl at him.  He cackles again and runs heading straight for the door. Oh no you don't.

Chasing after him, I hear Artemis calling me but I'm too annoyed to even pay attention to her. Lyle throws himself on an unsuspecting Jay.

"Ooof." Jay wheezes out cupping his crotch and rolling over with Lyle on top of him. Ha killing two birds with a freaking pillow. I grab Lyle and slam him against the wall. He groans but smirks at me.

"Storm let him go." Artemis says grabbing my arm.

"Yeah Storm let me go." He taunts and I glare at him. I turn my head to look at Jay who is recovering, muttering under his breath. He stands up and glares at Lyle.

"What the hell dude! That's my baby tool you nearly destroyed." He grumbles and Lyle shrugs at him

"You freaking knew what he was doing in my room and didn't say a thing!" I yell at Jay and he smiles sheepishly at me.

"It wasn't my place to tell." He shrugs sitting back down on the couch. I let go of Lyle and stare at Jay with disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? He was having sex in my room on my freaking bed and you're telling me it wasn't your place to tell!" I yell and walk towards him but freeze when arms wrap around my waist. Artemis lays her head on my back and squeezes me tightly.

"Relax Storm." She murmurs and I feel myself relaxing. I sigh and turn wrapping my arms around her shoulder hugging her close to me.

"I mean it's not the first time he's had sex in your room." Jay mutters and both I and Artemis freeze.

"Shoot." Artemis says.

"Oh for fuck sakes Jay you just had to open your damn mouth!" Lyle snaps at him.

"Artemis let me go." I say through clenched teeth and she shakes her head.

"It's not worth it." She whispers.

"Yes it is. I need to knock some-

"Artemis!" Lyle cuts me off getting up from the floor and walking towards her with his arms stretched wide. He pulls her in for a hug swinging her around as she giggles. "I've missed you!"

"You don't even know her." I deadpan. He looks over her shoulder and smirks at me as he lowers his hand closer to her butt.

"You wouldn't dare." I mouth to him glaring at his hand.

"Try me." He mouths back.

My eyes widen when realisation dawns on me. I pull Artemis back into my arms and glare at him. "Go take a shower." I say in disgust. He laughs at me but nods his head. I pull Artemis to the kitchen, lifting her and placing her on the counter as I rummage through the cupboards.

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