Chapter 50

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Third person pov

Whilst Alec and Esme battled it out with Emrie, causing a lot of havoc and destruction on their side. Ollie and Alex join Artemis in reaching Ares and Arson.

Ollie shifted mid run into his wolf, tearing apart the rogue that tried to attack him. Alex's black wolf snapped the neck of the other one and kicked him away from him.

"We need Damien." Ollie screamed through the link and Artemis frowned but nodded. She knew that they if they didn't get more people to join they might lose the battle. Ares really came prepared this time. They were leaving no survivors and since their groups are filled with mind controlled wolves and rogues, it is extremely difficult to subdue them.

The dark witches too were taking them out and even though Esme's white witches were doing a good job, it was not enough to save them all.

Storm's pov

Damn it. 

Things are getting out of hand here. I don't know how many have died by my hands but it seems that the number on Ares' side keeps on piling and piling up. Artemis is frustrated at this point and I can see she's inches away from shifting into her wolf and killing everyone.

Her eyes have been glowing an extreme red ever since the battle started.

"We're losing people Artemis! Ares and Arson are two strong!" I grunt, twisting the head of the wolf and kicking the body away.

Artemis huffs, blowing a strand of her hair away as she goes on her knees, grabs the bow and arrow quickly and fires three arrows within a flash. It sails through, killing three wolves instantly.

I see Knox jump over, gripping the neck of a wolf harshly and wiggling it around until blood drips from the neck. Knox drops the body, looks up in my direction and snarls with his bloody jaw.

I shiver, looking away from him. "That's cold dude." I mutter and hear a snort beside me. Don't even need to look over to know that Knox is beside me. That's just how fast he is.

Artemis looks around, wiping the sweat from her face. "We need to get to Ares and Arson right now!"

"Yeah but it's gonna be a challenge." I grit out, slashing a neck and turning around to stab the gut. The sky looks blood red and the ground is a pool of blood and dead bodies.

All of a sudden, the ground shakes, almost like the sound of running steps. I look around with a frown. "What is happening?"

Something like flashes of shadows run between us and each place the shadow passes a body drops dead. I stare at the scene is shock. What the fuck is happening?

Artemis just sighs in relief, staring at a particular direction and I follow her gaze to see a familiar wolf leading a group of white wolves and Damien.

"Is that Selena?" I ask and Artemis smiles, nodding her head. 

I watch in awe us Selena slaughters the wolves getting in her way without mercy, her eyes filled with bloodlust and revenge. Damien looks formidable in a fight and I can understand why. The dude looks like a killing machine.

The flash of shadows continue moving quickly through the crowd and the number of people on Ares' side keeps on dropping.

"What are those?" I question Artemis, as we join the fight once again. She grips the back a man's hair, bringing his face down to her knee and kicks him in the jaw. I swear a teeth flew out.

"Vampires." She answers and I nearly stop in my track.

Vampire what?!

I feel a gust of wind pass by me and every cell in my body freezes at the person standing right in front of Artemis with a head in his hands. Blood red eyes stare at her, with fangs glinting sharply when he grins.

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