Chapter 1

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A/n: This story will be written in the male's pov because it's basically about him. I might write in the female's pov but let see what happens.

Okay byeeeeee!

Storm's Pov

Going to a party on school night is a terrible idea and what's even worse is getting drunk on that same school night. I honestly did not sign up for any of this but my bestfriend convinced me it was a good idea. Yeah good idea my butt. Oh right sorry, my name is Storm Wyatt and yes why storm? Well apparently my parents name their children after weather conditions, don't know what is wrong with them but that's them for you. My elder sister is named Sunny because she was born when the sun was at it's highest peak, my younger brother is named Snow and I don't even need to explain why he is called that and then you have me Storm.

Back to why getting drunk on a school night sucks. You see I'm a college student and as many colleges go there is stress, assignments, deadlines, social lives whatever you want to call it and it so happens that I have an uncompleted assignment that needs to be submitted tomorrow. Why did I let that prick talk me into this?

"Storm, buddy what's popping?" My friend pats me on the back with a grin. Meet my friend Lyle, we've been friends since high school and now we both attend the same college. Out of the two of us, I'm the better looking guy with my black hair and grey eyes and not to brag or anything but I got the muscles. Then we have him, going for the whole Harry Styles look and before you ask how I know him, my sister is obsessed with him. I can't tell the number of times I had to listen to her jam out to one direction and his solo album. I have nothing against him because gotta admit he has some pretty good songs but a guy can take so much.

You're going off topic

Shoot! My friend like I said is rocking the whole Harry Styles look with his brown curls and green eyes. Heck I remember one time back in high school when he transferred, one of the girls thought it was him but meh he's ugly so whatever.

"Shut up Lyle, I'm never listening to you again." I mutter as I feel the ground move under me. I pout wishing I could shoot lasers at it. That will be cool.

"Oh come on, if I didn't drag you like you'd be in the apartment doing boring thingssss." He slurs and leans his body weight on me. I grunt at the force, shit dude is heavy.

"You're heavy get the fuck of me." I mutter and he even leans more into me. The party is still going on and I can't even be bothered to enjoy myself. I'm so gonna get a hungover tomorrow.

"Is that Carla?" My eyes widen as he points to the direction of who I think is her. You've got to be kidding! I hate her. Let me explain, Carla was my girlfriend for two years and honestly I thought she was pretty awesome. She might seem like the typical blonde cheerleader but when I first met her, she was sweet until she decided to stab me in the back with her own ex boyfriend.

"Come on let's get out of here before she sees us." I say balancing myself well on the counter.

"Too late." Lyle mutters and I raise my head in time to see her walking towards us. My eyes take her in, she's in a hot pink mini dress that shows her curves and has every guy turning heads. Her blonde hair in perfect curls just as she thinks she is.

"Hey Storm." She purrs my name which would at first had me dropping my boxers but now it disgusts me. I mentally scoff at the look she's giving me. I might hate her but that doesn't mean I won't act like a gentleman. My mama raised me right that and she will smack me if she hears me talk bad about any woman. She said something along the lines that women are the backbone of the world, whatever that means.

"Carla." I slur her name and her eyes lit up in amusement and lust. Oh boy, I know that look.

"Are you drunk Storm?" she says softly and I roll my eyes.

"I wonder what gave it out." I mutter sarcastically and she shrugs.

"Well, I can take very good care of you. Let me help you relax." She says giving me a seductive smile and batting her lashes at me. Those blue eyes looking innocent but I know better. When you see that look it means you're fucked.

"I might be drunk Carla but I still got Jimmy Neutron's brains so back off." I say calmly and take her hands that were running up my arms. I hear a hiccup beside me and realize my friend has fallen asleep. Oh for the love of all things ugly, why does he just sleep at random places.

Carla glares at me throwing her hair behind her shoulder as she crosses her arms in front of her. The action pushes her breast up and my eyes flicker at it before moving back to stare into her own. Excuse me, I am a hot blooded male who hasn't slept with anyone for a year now so chill.

"I know you still feel something for me and I said I was sorry but can you blame. Kendall said she saw you with another girl, how do you think that made me feel huh?" she sneers at me and my eyes widen in disbelief.

"Are you serious right now? Do you even hear the crap that is coming out from your mouth? Kendall said she saw me with another girl." I reply mockingly in her voice. "That doesn't give you the excuse to go behind my back to sleep with your ex." I step closer to her and give her a menacing glare. I feel myself sober a little bit but I know I'm still drunk. I hear a bang and turn to see my friend on the floor passed out. I guess he was leaning his whole weight on me huh. I ignore him and bring my gaze back to her.

"Well excuse me for being insecure. Every girl here wants you, have you seen yourself. What did you expect me to do? " I would be lying if that little comment didn't take my ego to a different level but I shake that thought off.

"Oh I don't know maybe come and ask me about it, you know like have a conversation with me. " I snap and she bows her head. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. "Look I don't have time to explain why what you did was wrong because right now I just wanna disappear. So if you'll excuse me I'm taking my friend with me." She huffs and walks away from me. Finally!

I kick my friend lightly with my feet but he doesn't respond. Damn it, I seriously did not sign up for this. I look around to see if I can find a familiar face that will help but my eyes just meet grinding bodies, flickering lights and a guy running naked? I shake my head to rid the image and look at Lyle who is cuddling my leg. If I leave him here I won't have trouble walking back but if I don't take him too, I won't hear the end of his rant when he finds himself on the floor the next day. Guess I'll have to put my muscles to use. I bend down and pick him up but shit the dude is heavy. What the hell does he inhale into his body, a freaking elephant. I put him on my back and hope that we don't fall because of my clumsiness.

"Okay buddy here we go." I mutter and walk towards the door.

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Peace out peeps!

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