Chapter 31

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Artemis' Pov



We need to find mate!

Wake up you bitch! Wake up Artemis!

I jerk up. "Storm!" I yell quickly running out of the room. Where is he?

Rushing down the stairs, I stop in my tracks when Ollie, Selena and Esme all turn to look at me, their faces blank which makes me frown. Searching around frantically, my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach and a sudden chill rakes through my body.

Ollie is the first to speak up, half his body leaned against the wall, watching me cautiously."Hey, you're finally up."

"Where is Storm?" I breath out, trying to keep the panic away from my voice. Please tell me he's in the pack hospital or something? I plead silently in my mind and he purses his lips avoiding my gaze.

"You need to rest Artemis." Esme pipes up and I shift my gaze to her, eyes slightly narrowing at the defensive position she's in. They are hiding something from and I do not like it, I can't even sense his presence in the house and if they don't start talking, I don't know what I will do to them.

The anger slowly begins to crawl over my body, tightly clenching my fist to my side to prevent myself from doing something I'll regret.

"I will not repeat myself again." I snap glaring at each and everyone one of them, my body shaking in anger as my canines elongate. "Where. Is. My. Mate?"

If they tell me to rest once again, every control I'm exercising right now will fly out the window.

Selena gulps taking a step back and the rest follow as they watch me. "I really think you should-"

I growl crossing the distance between us, grabbing her throat and slamming her body against the wall. "Where. Is. Storm?"

She groans, struggling against me, trying to pry my hands from her throat but I squeeze tighter. "H-he's g-gone. T-they t-t-took him." She manages to choke out and I growl loudly, digging my fingers into the side of her neck and snapping it.

I step back, watching as she slides to the ground unconscious. My shoulders tensed as the shaking continues. They took my mate, t-they kidnapped him and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Artemis." Esme begins and I become rigid, staring at the ground in anger before slowly turning my head to glare at her.

"You need to calm down else Red will take control, remember the last time that happened."

Red growls in my head, her anger even worse than mine as Esme's words continue to irritate me.  She wants me to calm down?

I let out a humorless chuckle, tightening my jaw and placing my hands behind my back. "You want me to calm down?" I repeat blankly, taking slow strides towards her.

She raises her hand in surrender, taking steps back as she watches me cautiously. "I know you're angry but-" The word get stuck in her throat when I grab her by the string of her hood, pulling her down to my level.

Esme gulps, clasping my wrist with her hand as she tries to get me to let go. "Artemis let go of me, I don't want to hurt you."

I tilt my head to the side, an amused smile on my face even though nothing about the situation is amusing to me. I lick my lips watching her carefully, the little control I have left almost disappearing as the rage continues to consume me. "Let me get something clear." I say, running my tongue along the inside of my cheek as the smile slowly drops from my face.

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