Chapter 30

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Storm's pov

A loud knocking on the door startles me awake and I sit up quickly looking around, my eyes landing on Artemis staring at me in amusement. I frown, rubbing my eyes and blinking away the haze that seems to have clouded my mind.

The knock comes again and I groan, displeased at whoever is knocking. "How long has that been going on for?" I question, lying back on the bed and bringing one arm over my eyes.

"For two minutes." She mutters and the bed dips as a body crawls on top of me. She buries her face in my neck, lightly trailing her nose along her mark and places a soft kiss over there. I shiver in delight, rubbing my palm on her back in soothing circles and she sighs, tangling our legs together.

"Storm." My mom's voice calls from behind the door and I groan.

"I know you're awake so better come down so we can set up the tree." She says and I hear her retreating footsteps walking away from my door.

I don't get why we have to decorate the tree on Christmas eve and not before that.

"Finally." I mutter, taking my arm from my face and tugging Artemis' hair so she can look at me. She takes her head from my neck, staring at me with a drowsy smile and I grin, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear and lean forward pressing my lips against her.

"Hi." I murmur against her lips, pulling back to stare at her and she blushes.

"Hi." She whispers.

"Storm! I swear to God if you make me knock on your door once more, I'll be coming in with a bucket of cold water!" My mom snaps and I freeze staring at the door in surprise. How did I not hear her coming?

Thinking that she has finally left, I cup Artemis cheeks bringing her face closer to mine but she stops me, placing her palm on my mouth, a small smile on her face as she points to the door.

I frown staring at it and I bring my gaze to her, raising my brows in question. She taps her ear and then points to the door again.

Am I supposed to listen to something? She nods and I look back at the door, listening hard.

Frowning, I glance at her shaking my head and she gives me a flat look rolling her eyes at me.

"Just watch." She mouths and starts a countdown. Raising her three fingers up, she begins mouthing the number alongside dropping her finger and on that last one........

"Bring Artemis too, since I know she's there."

My jaw drops, staring at her in shock and she giggles getting up from me and walking to the door. She swings it open and smiles sheepishly at my mom. "We'll be down in a sec."

She peeps her head inside my room, glaring at me. "I thought I told you guys to sleep in separate rooms."

Shrugging, I throw the covers away from my legs, the cold air immediately attacking my feet and I stretch my body, releasing a groan before walking towards Artemis. I wrap my arms around her, hugging her from behind and rest my chin on her shoulder, placing a kiss on the exposed part of her neck.

"Storm!" She scolds, hitting my arm. "Not in front of your mother."

I scoff, staring at my mom and she smirks raising her chin at me. "Fine then." And I pull her back slamming the door in my mom's face but not before seeing the smirk drop.

"Storm!!" Artemis yells in surprise and I shrug staring at her innocently. "Why did you do that?!"

"You said not in front of my mom so that's exactly what is happening." I retort, smiling at her innocently and she opens her mouth, shock clearly written on her face.

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