Chapter 39

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Surprise! Surprise! 

Hope you enjoy!!!!

Esme's pov

The familiarity of my coven calms me and I open the doors, stepping inside. Not even bothering with the others who stop to bow their heads in my direction, I head straight to my study. My coven is located deep in the black forest in plain sight but hidden that no matter how much magic will be used, no one will be able to find it.

Stepping inside the room, I find my assistant's concentration deep in the bowl in front of him, big round glasses perched on his pointed nose and tongue sticking out as he takes something from the small basket beside him, his muscles flexing with every movement as sprinkles it inside.

Steam erupts from the bowl as it starts boiling and I smirk knowing that the next part is a bit trickery and if he doesn't take care it's gonna explode in his face. He grabs the potion, uncapping it before he wets his pink lips staring at it in concentration.

"What are you doing?" 

He jumps back in fright, dropping the small bottle of potion in it and just as expected, it explodes in his face. A laugh tumbles from my lips and I bring my hands to my mouth, muffling the laugh.

He coughs out smoke, takes his glasses off and rubs the black smoke on it before he places it back on his face. He glares in my direction, a frown on his face and I chuckle.

"When will you stop doing that?" He snaps angrily and I shrug, walking in his direction and sling my arm over his shoulder.

"Never and besides if I don't mess with you, who else is gonna entertain me?" I pout and he throws my arm away from his shoulder and steps away from me.

"Well I don't like it." His deep voice says and I shrug again looking around the mess created in my study. Looking at the place, I frown to myself thinking that I need to change those bright ugly red curtains that don't match with the grey walls.

My gaze lands on him and I tilt my head to the side, staring at him. He black hair flops messily on his forehead, brooding green eyes staring in my direction and a cute pout on his lips.

I smile at him, raising my hand in his direction and his eyes widen before he ducks. 

I scowl at him. "I'm not gonna do anything to you."

He scoffs, pushing his hair from his forehead and adjusts his glasses. "Well I don't trust you." 

My scowl deepens and I roll my eyes at him, before looking around and clearing the mess in the room.  I turn around to face him, a blank look on my face. "See."

He shrugs, rising to his feet. "Being by your side has taught me to be weary of that hand of yours."

"Whatever." I say, walking over to the red couch and slumping in it. "I need your help."

He quirks his brow in question. "What does the all so mighty Esme need from a lowly assistant like me?"

My eyes narrow in his direction and he raises his hand in surrender before sitting by me. 

"What do you need help with?"

I sigh, releasing my hair from the bun. "I need to find my sister."

The air in the room suddenly takes a chilling shift, darkness enveloping the room and I glance sideways to see black eyes glaring in my direction. I purse my lips, shaking my head before I raise my hand to smack his head.

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