Chapter 15

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Storm's Pov

 It's midday when I wake with a jolt remembering that Artemis will be coming today. Rushing down the stairs, I bump into Esme, grabbing a hold of her shoulders to keep her steady.

"I know you miss her but please refrain from murdering me in the process." She says taking a step back and I smile sheepishly at her.

"Sorry Esme." I mutter sending her an apologetic look and she rolls her eyes at me, turning on her heels and walking towards the kitchen. Releasing my breath that I didn't even realize I was holding until she left, honestly she scares me a lot. I got to know her a bit when Artemis left and so far one thing I learnt from that short extremely short period of time is that she has a short fuse. She nearly took my head of when I kept on asking questions on what she does. Selena basically had to tackle me to the ground before the knife she sent my way made its target, my leg.

She's viscous and a violent person and I now understand why Ollie doesn't want her around heck even I don't want her around me. Pushing my hair back, I enter the kitchen halting in my steps when I see a floating knife moving in circles just above Esme's palm.

My heart drops to my stomach, mouth becomes dry as I think of whether I should turn back or move forward.

"You're awake." Selena says leaning against the counter as she brings the mug she's holding to her lips, amused eyes staring at me.

"Yeah." I mutter and point towards Esme who now has her eyes closed muttering something under her breath, a concentrated look on her face. "What's up with her?"

Selena shrugs placing the mug down, supporting her palms on the counter and pulling herself up. She stares at Esme for a minute and shrugs one last time. "She's probably in her world doing witchy stuff."

I furrow my brows, staring at her in confusion."World? Witchy stuff?" Selena nods her head at me. I sigh shaking my head grabbing the apple from the fruit bowl. "I won't even ask." And taking a bite from it.

Feeling bored  and deciding to pass time before she arrives, I take my phone from my pocket scrolling through my texts and finally deciding to play flappy bird. My high score is 12, sad right? I know but the game is so hard. The clanking of the knife on the table startles me, looking up my breath hitches in my throat as black eyes stare deep into mine.

"Uh Selena." I call her getting up from the chair.

"Yeah." She says looking at me and I raise my finger pointing towards Esme. Her mouth forms an 'o' and she jumps from the counter standing right in front of me, arm stretched out and I purse my lips narrowing my eyes at her.

What is with the women here trying to protect me, I can take care of myself thank you very much.

Selena takes a step back forcing me to also move, just then the sound of the front door opening grabs our attention.

"Selena, Storm and the bitch, we're home!" Ollie sings out, foot steps approaching the kitchen. My eyes widen when a slow smirk appears on Esme's face, the butter knife moving slowly into the air facing the entry way leading to the kitchen. Selena gasps, our eyes meeting for a brief second and we both know what is about to happen.

Ollie is fucked.

Before the words 'stop' can come out from the mouth, the butter knife flies past me, making a swoosh sound just when Ollie steps in. He freezes eyes going wide and just when I think it will stab him, a hand appears out of nowhere grabbing it by the handle right before it meets it mark, in between Ollie's eyes.

My jaw drops, shock all over mine and Selena's face.

"Damn it." Esme curses under her breath, huffing and sitting back down a pout on her face as she glares at Ollie.

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