Chapter 49

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A/N: I don't know if any of you listen to the song I put up but I'm gonna have to make a request with this one.

Kindly listen to the song to get a more better feel of the 1am chapter I wrote after having a sleepless night.


Oh and FYI ; It's gonna be a triple update y'all!!! Surprise!!!

Third point of View.

Dark grey clouds, howling wolves, blood, screams, death and everything in between. The battle was gruesome, it was fierce and it was finally happening. 

There was smoke, there was fire and it was raging.

Swords clanged against each other, wolves fought wolves and Artemis was unstoppable. With her gleaming blade and sharp red eyes she stormed through the battle field, slashing her enemies

No sympathy, no mercy and death to all those in her way. She ducked the from the snarling wolf, using her blade to slash the stomach and somersaulted landed right on her feet. Twisting on her heels, she grabbed one of Ares' soldiers twisting the neck and sending a round kick to the opposite man.

Her eyes never leaving her target as she fought her way through the crowd. She was sweating. Her sharp eyes gleamed with blood lust and she wasn't giving up.

 Right behind her was Storm, watching her back. 

As fast as lightening, he struck those who tried to get close to Artemis using his bare hands. The powerful feeling coursing through his veins made him just as unstoppable as Artemis.

"Watch out!" Storm screamed, pulling Artemis by her arm behind him before sending a strong kick to the soldier's gut. Artemis followed by twisting her  self around and slicing his throat. He coughed out blood, splattering some on her face and she growled, eyes blazing red.

"This is too much!" She yelled over the noise. The witches had started attacking as well. Dark fogs surrounded the place making it impossible to see the target.

Artemis kept calm, keeping a protective stance in front of Storm. The battle was still on going and she could hear the dying screams on both sides.

"Esme's sister is bringing the death shadows." She muttered, gripping the sword tightly in front of her. Her eyes wide and alert as she stared into the darkness.

"Death shadows? What the fuck is that?" Storm asked, looking around with narrowed eyes. He could hear some gurgling sounds coming from the mist but was not sure as to where.

"Stay alert Storm, keep your eyes wide open because they can attack without you seeing the-" She didn't get to finish before she saw one heading straight for an unaware Storm.

She grabbed the back of his leather suit, dragging him down before flipping over and slashing the darkness into half. A scream echoed followed by an evaporation. Storm rose to his feet staring at the scene that just happened right in front of him.

"Esme! Samaria! Now!" Artemis yelled. 

In the mist of the darkness, a glowing light spread through it pushing the darkness away until the the battle field could be seen. 

Up in the trees, Samaria got alert. She grabbed her arrow, fixing it into her bow and aimed below her. "Archers! Ready!"

The sounds of the archer drawing the string back filled the forest as they awaited for the next order.

"Aim!" She said next and some aimed below whilst others aimed above.


They released it. Each arrow flew either above or below, finding the targets and ending them instantly. The men on Ares and Arson's side started dropping one after the other as the arrow found their way into the chest, head or eyes.

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