Chapter 23

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Storm's Pov

What just happened? One minute we're talking and the next Artemis is disappearing.

"What's going on Storm?" Jay questions.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know." I state flatly, taking my phone from my pocket and dialing Ollie's number. Lyle looks at me with brows furrowed and I groan running my fingers through my hair when it goes to voicemail.

Fuck! I try again again listening to it ring before finally he picks up.

"Not now Storm." Is the first thing he says to me.

"Yes now! So kindly tell me what the fuck is going on?!" I snap and he releases a sigh, a shuffling noise in the background.

"Riley got kidnapped."

Riley? Who the fuck is that?

I frown. "Who is Riley?"

"A kid we met at the Alpha of Rogues' pack. Artemis is very fond of him." He explains and my frown deepens. "Look Storm I got to go before she does something crazy."

"I'm coming with you." I say rushing to get the keys from counter passing by Lyle and Jay with questioning looks on their faces.

"I don't think that's a good idea." He says and I narrow my eyes walking over the door, Lyle and Jay behind me.

"Just how strong is she?" Lyle mutters staring at the door and Jay shrugs. Opening the garage, I unlock the range and Jay let's out a low whistle.


I back out of the garage speeding my way through the forest. "I honestly don't care what you think, I'm on my way to the pack house."

Ollie let's out a frustrated sigh. "Fine but don't bother coming to the pack house just stop somewhere and I'll meet you there." And hangs up.

Turning the car off, my leg bounces anxiously as I wait for Ollie. Running my fingers through my hair, I close my eyes tightly taking deep breaths to calm myself. Fucking hell, Artemis is going to be the death of me.

"Uh why have we stopped?"

Damn it, forgot they were with me. I glance sideways my brows furrowed. "Something came and I'll have to leave you here."

"What?!" Lyle outbursts in shock and I purse my lips nodding my head. Calling one last person again and she picks up on the first ring.

"Selena I need you to watch over Jay and Lyle for me." I mutter and Jay makes a weird sound at the back of his throat staring at me incredulously.

"Are you at Artemis house?" She questions and I shake my head before remembering that she can't see me.

"No, but I'm not far from her house just follow Ollie okay." I reply.

"Yes Alpha." She retorts and I'm physically taken aback by the use of the title. I hang up staring at the black screen in surprise.

"Why did you call her?"

I shift in my seat turning to face Jay, an unimpressed look on his face as he glares at me and I shrug. "Because I trust her and moreover she's someone familiar."

He huffs, folding his arm in front of his chest looking away from me. It doesn't take long till I hear paws against the grounds.

"They're coming." I mutter opening my door. The others follow suit, Lyle looking around confusingly.

"I don't see any---" His words gets cut off when two fairly large wolves appear from behind the trees. Lyle and Jay freeze on the spot, eyes wide as they stare at Knox and what I'm guessing is Selena.

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