Chapter 41

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  Important Author's note at the end. 

Please make sure to read it.

Storm's pov

I drag Artemis behind me as we head to the door of my apartment when she suddenly stops, grabbing my wrist. I turn around to face her with a questioning look and she chews on her lips, wringing her fingers nervously in front of her.

I frown, stepping closer to her and I gently pull her lips from her mouth before placing a chaste kiss on it. She looks away blushing and I smile, kissing the side of her head. 

"I can handle it Artemis, don't worry." I say clearly knowing what is running through that pretty head of hers.

She sighs in relief, giving me a smile and I grin in return. Taking deep breaths, I open the door, stepping inside and immediately Lyle and Jay rush towards us with panic written on their face only to freeze when they see Artemis behind me.

Lyle is the first to come out of his shock and he shakes his head, muttering under his breath. "Those violet eyes still leave me speechless."

I frown, quickly whipping my head around to see that her eyes are still violet. 

She shrugs. "They know so it doesn't matter if I show my eyes anyway." 

I purse my lips but sigh dropping it, well it was bound to happen anyway. I look around the apartment, a frown on my face and as if knowing what or should I say who I'm looking for, Lyle squeezes my shoulder with a solemn look.

"She's in your room."

I sigh, nodding my head before I turn around to face Artemis. "Can you wait here?"

"Yeah don't worry." She says softly, a small smile on her face and I smile, pressing my lips on her forehead. I step away, taking quick strides towards my room. I just hope she's not crying and just to make sure, I lean my ear against the door, listening for any sound only to frown when I hear nothing. Is she even there?

Taking deep breaths, I give myself a  mental pep talk before twisting the handle and stepping into my room. I clench my fist to my side, eyes narrowing as I take in the scene before me.

Sunny has her back facing me as she sits on the floor, her knees brought against her chest and shakes her head muttering 'it can be true' under her breath. I take slow steps towards her, afraid that the slightest noise is going to scare her.

"Sunny." I call hesitantly and she tenses up still not facing me. I bite my lip, thinking hard on how to do this. 

I walk closer to her. "Sunny, it's me Storm." Still no response except for her constant denial of what Ollie probably told or showed her. This makes me wonder how he did it? Stopping behind her, I rest my hand on her shoulder and she jerks forward, whipping her head around to stare at me with blank teary eyes.

My gaze softens and I go on my knees quickly pulling her into her hug. "It's okay just let it out."

Her frame quivers in my arms and as if feeling tired she suddenly cries, clutching my shirt tightly in her fist as she shakes her head repeatedly. "It's not real Storm."

My heartbreaks at the gut wrenching sobs escaping from her lips. Oh damn, I wonder what will happen if she finds out that I know. I mentally sigh, she is definitely going to be mad at me but it wasn't my secret to tell as well. If Ollie wasn't her mate, I wouldn't have even bothered with this but sadly he is and now she knows.

"What happened Sunny?" I question when her sobs turn into quiet sniffles. She raises her head from my chest,  red teary eyes staring at me.

"O-ollie said something." She stutters, her lips trembling as she looks down.

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