Chapter 4

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A/n: RanaNadia6 you know when I saw your comment, I legit screamed like someone has actually commented on my story and it made me so happy to read your comments. Thank you so much for the comments and the votes, you get a gold star⭐️ and a virtual hug. This chapter is dedicated to you and to all those who voted and read my story, thank you once again and I hope you really enjoy it!!!!!!
Okay let's go!!!!

Storm's Pov

It's been two weeks since the camping trip, two weeks of having strange dreams about violet eyes which I don't even know why I have those dreams and also two weeks since Carla decided to make it a personal mission to pester me. The lady needs to take a chill pill and back off. I really don't know why she doesn't understand the meaning of a break up like does she want me to spell it out for her because I will and she's following me. Signs that my morning is not going to be great since she's breathing down my back, gosh her voice is more annoying than the noise she is making with those ridiculous heels she's wearing.

"Storm, babe just listen to me okay." She pleads trying to catch up with me. Well she definitely won't be catching up to me anytime time soon especially not with those heels.

"Carla I'm trying to be a gentleman here but you are really making it difficult for me not to act like a jerk right now." I tell her not caring if she heard it or not. Where the hell is my class and why can't I find the door to the damn lecture room. I hear rushed footsteps behind me, grabbing my wrists and turning me abruptly to face her and I'm definitely not impressed with those sad eyes she is giving me. Trying to catch her breath, she runs her hands through her hair and sighs.

"Look like I said, I messed up and I'm sorry but give us a chance okay. It was foolish of me to cheat on such an amazing guy like yourself but I love you and-"

"Ahem! You're blocking the way." A soft voice cuts her of, caressing my whole body making me shiver. That voice sounds so familiar, I've heard it somewhere but where, where did I hear that voice and most importantly why am I reacting so much to the voice. Turning to look behind me, I freeze on the spot, eyes wide as I stare at her, black hair surrounds her face, lips naturally formed into a pout. Could she be the girl I see in my dreams? I look into her eyes, oh it's green. Disappointment fills my whole body but I take deep breaths and smile slightly.

A hand tugging on my wrist pulls me from the stare, shaking my head I turn to see a scowl on Carla's face. Gently prying her hands from my wrist, I spot a bored look on my face as I answer her.

"After everything you said I realized why I decided not to be a therapist." Her jaw drops, offering her a fake smile I turn back to face her and my breath hitches at the look she's giving me, my shoulders brush against her as I walk past her and my body jolts at the contact. She inhales sharply and I cough loudly puzzled by how my body came alive with just that touch. I turn to look at her but realize she's gone.


I want to know her, no I need to know her. She is messing with me, for goodness sake I couldn't even concentrate in class because all I saw where those eyes but something is missing from those eyes and I know it. It's like my gut is telling me that she is different and what is so weird about this whole thing is I have never seen her around before. Yes I know it's a big college but there is no way with a body and face like hers it would be hard to miss. Walking with Lyle and Jay, we head to Betty's diner for lunch, she's like a second mother to me but I had to reduce the number of times I went there because her sixteen year old daughter kept on hitting on me. The place is less packed today which I'm so thankful for, Jay picks a booth closer to the window.

"What can I get you guys?" A nasal voice says and I raise my head quickly regretting that decision. "Oh my gosh, Storm is that you?" She says excitedly. No it's Pikachu.

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