Chapter 13

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Artemis' Pov

I never thought I would find my mate and it's not because I didn't have one or something but it just took so long to finally meet him and now that I have him, I must deal with the fact that he is a human. I'm not mad or annoyed that he is human in fact I'm quite happy he is because then it will give me an excuse to protect him. Werewolf males tend to be over protective, possessive and too arrogant for their own good so it's really nice to have a human mate. 

Sitting in the car, I stare out the windows watching as the trees move past us, my mind drifting towards my mate. I can't help but worry about Storm. Was it right leaving him behind?

No it was extremely dumb of you.

I roll my eyes at my wolf, Red. She just picks the worst moment to announce her presence.

Hey don't hate on me just because I think you're stupid for leaving him.

Selena and Esme can protect him.

She does what sounds like a scoff. I can protect him much better than they can thank you very much .

Raising the mental block to shut her up, I watch as Ollie sings to every song on the radio and Damien even though he wouldn't show it I can feel how annoyed he is. I sigh at them opening the mind link to Selena.

"How is he?"

"Well he is stuffing his face with Chinese food so I'm guessing he is fine."  She shows me a mental picture of Storm sitting in front the tv watching Lucifer. I giggle at how adorable he looks focusing his attention on the show.

"Is Esme done with the spell?"

"Not yet, she basically kicked me out the moment you left. Said she needed total silence and privacy."

"Figured, well I'll check up on you again."  I shut the mind link off after she responds. I wish I was back at home with Storm, I already miss him makes you wonder how I even spent five months without him. Well if you take into consideration the training, eating and drowning myself in pack work then yes that's how I survived and it didn't help when Red kept on pushing forward to go after him.

I heard my name, I miss mate. Let's go back and let Ollie and Damien handle this.

I would have done so in the past but not this time.

Whatever. I do have a question though.

What is it?

Why the fuck did you lie to mate about your age? You and I both know you're nowhere near 19.

I gape at her in disbelief. I'm sorry and risk him running away when he hears I'm way old enough to be his ancestor yeah I think not.

She stretches her self and rolls her eyes at me. Just saying, after keeping him in the dark about what is really going. I'd thought you might I don't know be honest about this.

I regret giving you a voice.

Sounds like a personal problem. With that she shuts of the link and I purse my lips at her. Tracing the hickey he gave me, I smile remembering when he tricked me well he thought he tricked me anyway. The way his grey eyes lit up everytime he gets excited is literally my favorite thing. His eyes in general is my favorite thing, they depict exactly what his names says.

Ollie turns in his seat, smirking at me and I raise my brow. "How are you feeling?"

I scrunch my face in confusion."What do you mean? "

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