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Hi peeps!!

This is totally different from the normal books I write and when I say write I mean the seven books in my drafts just to be clear. Honestly I don't know why I decided to try this.. Oh wait I know

Story time:

I was on bed you know trying to think of ideas for the next chapter of one of my books and then I screamed. Yes I screamed because I saw a spider. I don't know why spiders are camping in my room a lot but they are and it's annoying because I'm scared of them. So I was thinking of ways to kill it or maybe run and the bam! This idea came to mind. So I was like freak it I'm gonna write a werewolf story.

Now I had the idea but I didn't want it to be like the other werewolf stories I've read you know, like the where the Alphas are males, broken lunas' and many more, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about and quite frankly I don't have any issue with those books because they are awesome and I'm a simp for them but I wanted to try something different. So I was grinning so wide, you know like those creepy evil grins and I thought hmm why not make the female alpha and the male Luna and then BOOM!! this book was born.

Story time over.

I'm sure there are books like this but I haven't found any so if there are books like that can anyone recommend it because I'll gladly read them.
I'm only human*insert Christina Perri's voice* so I'll make mistakes and some weird plots but don't feel shy to correct me if I make a mistake. Constrictive criticism is allowed, no hating and also if anyone has an idea or something they want to see in the book, you can just send a message to me here or leave a comment and I'll add it and dedicate that chapter to you.
Okay this intro is becoming too long.

Shoot I almost forgot, quick disclaimer here:
The place, town, and everything is purely fictional and it's from my tiny brain so do not copyright my book. I'm a sweet person but if you do I'll haunt you in your dreams😈 just kidding but seriously I will if I have to.

Get on your bed, lie on the floor whatever makes you comfortable and don't forget the snacks as well and enjoy this ride.

Love y'all


This story is dedicated to the spider who sadly did not stay alive to see his work. Please observe a minute of silence before moving to the next chapter.
Thank you.

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