Chapter 7

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A/n: Hiii! Quick disclaimer before you continue,
What you're about to read is loads of crap that came to my head when I was sleeping  around 2am so I had to wake up and write it so I don't forget it. First of I'm not really into Greek mythology but I love their names a lot so I kinda of used them. So know that whatever history you're about to read is a lie well apart from Leto being the mother to Artemis and Apollo well according to Google anyway but the rest is pretty much made up.
Okay byeeee!!!!!

Storm's Pov

"Ugh, I had the weirdest dreams ever that Artemis was violet eyes and she told me she was a werewolf." muttering to myself as I blink away the haze in my eyes. I honestly don't get why I faint so much.

"Ahem." A throat clears. I look up and groan.

Flopping back on the bed I sigh,"Guess it wasn't a dream."

"No it wasn't but I can explain everything that is if you promise not to faint again." Artemis replies amusingly.

"Hardy ha, just talk." I murmur. She sits beside me deep in thought.

"I want you to keep an open mind okay and let me say everything and after I'm done you can ask questions so no interruptions okay." I nod my head and she scoots closer to me making my body heat up.

"I don't know much about how we became what we are or like how you humans refer to as werewolves but from what I know we are descendants of Leto a Greek goddess who became the first she-wolf. She and her sister Luna also known as the moon goddess had deep connections with nature but since they were goddesses they couldn't just roam the earth so Leto decided to turn into one of her favorite animals the wolf. Luna not wanting to be left out also transformed and together they roamed the earth but one day when Leto was out in the fields she saw something strange, she saw a human. She felt drawn to him so she decided to find out what made her so drawn to this human. Luna cautioned her that it was dangerous to associate with humans but Leto was curious  but promised her sister that she will be careful.

One day, she saw the human in the same fields and decided to reveal herself to him. The connection they shared was instant, unbreakable, a mate bond with a human. So they fell in love and had children, Artemis and Apollo was the name of her children."

"Wait so,-

"No I'm not her child." I nod telling her to continue. "They were all happy, living on earth and by that time Luna had also found her mate. But unfortunately their happiness was short lived when the god of chaos saw what had happened. Before that he was in love with Leto and was promised her hand but well she fell in love with someone else so he got angry. Leto defended her family, changed into the very thing she loved, a wolf and fought with her sister by her side.  Noah never knew what she was, so when she changed into a wolf you could imagine his surprise but he still stayed, protecting the children but the god of chaos was too strong so in order for Leto to save her family, she sacrificed herself unleashing a power that was so strong that it wiped the army of the god of chaos. Her mate, Noah was devastated by the loss of Leto and took his life but not before handing his children to Luna to take care of and thus this generation we have." She ends tears filling her eyes but quickly wipes them away before it can drop.

Frowning I ask her,"So you're saying that there's a whole generation of people like you scattered all over the world?" She nods her head. "Wow, that's a lot."

Shrugging she smiles slightly at me, "Yeah that's what it means but we believe in the moon goddess and besides not everyone knows about this version. All they know is that they are descendants of the moon goddess but Luna never had children anyway."

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