Chapter 12

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Storm's Pov.

"I think we've broken him."

"With what exactly did you use to think? hmm?"

"My brains. "

"You have those? Hmm must have missed it because of how tiny it is."

"You little-

"I suggest you hold your tongue before I remove it for you Oliver."

"It's Ollie."

"No one cares."

"You see why I didn't want to get her because then I'll have to deal with-

"Shut up the both of you." Artemis snaps. I can hear them speak but I don't think I can fathom what is going on. Artemis waves her hand in front of my face. "Storm are you okay?"

"Of course he's not okay just look at him. Dude is frozen, I don't even think he can hear us." Ollie says pointing towards me.

"You're a witch." I whisper.

Artemis sighs in relief when I speak. "Oh thank the moon goddess, you're fine." She hugs me but I just stand stiff as a board.

"You're a witch." I whisper again.

"Uh guys maybe we should help him-

"You're a freaking witch!" My sudden outburst makes them jump back in fright. What! I did not want any of this heck I didn't sign up for any of this but who cares life just likes to play cruel jokes on me right.

Artemis raises her hand up taking slow steps towards me. "I know this is a lot to take in-

I turn sharply at her and she freezes." A lot to take in? a lot?" I say laughing but there's nothing funny about the situation. "It's more than a lot. First I find out that werewolves exist and now you're telling there are witches too." I point to Esme.

"Sup bro." She nods giving me a thumbs up.

"I understand what-

"No you don't!" I cut her off. "No you don't. I had a normal life before you, before any of this but then I learn werewolves exist and I'm chill with it but you're telling me there are witches too and what next vampires?? Oh better yet you're gonna tell me that Pig foot is real too." Throwing my hands in the air emphasizing just how crazy the whole thing sounds.

"Pfft don't be silly, pig foot doesn't exist." Ollie states as a matter of fact and everyone turns to glare at him. "What it's the truth anyway."

Artemis sighs and shakes her head at him, she looks at me with a sympathetic smile on her face. "I'm sorry you have to deal with all this and I wish I could make it easy for you but I can't Storm."

"I-I need to think." I mutter heading straight for the door but soft hands grab my wrist stopping me, I don't even need to look back to know who is holding me judging by the way my body is reacting.

"Be careful okay and don't go far." Without glancing back I gently pry her fingers from my wrist and walk away from her. It's dark when I step outside, stuffing my hands in my pocket I take the path that we used to go the training grounds. The silence makes it easy for me to clear my thoughts as everything rushes back in. The moon casts a gentle glow lightening up the whole forest, I stare at the moon waiting for something but it just stares back at me. I don't know how long I was walking for but I end up in a field of flowers. The wind blows gently swaying them from side to side as I take in deep breaths allowing myself to feel the wind on my face.

"What are you doing here?" A gruff voice speaks startling me.

"Jesus Christ." I gasp placing my hand on my beating chest as I try to make out the figure standing there. "Damien?" I ask.

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