Chapter 26

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Storm's Pov

"Don't mom me here Storm. Where are you?"

I look around pursing my lips and Artemis stares at me worriedly. Well this is going to be tough to explain.

"I'm with someone." I mutter waiting for the onslaught of questions but it's quiet and I frown. "Mom are you-"

"Is it a girl?" She asks and I can hear the slight excitement in her voice. Glancing sideways, Artemis watches me with brows raised  and I smile leaning forward to kiss her nose.

"Yeah it's a girl."

There are things that are expected in life and I should have seen it coming but when it was silent for almost a minute, I thought well this was my lucky day but nope.

She squeals loudly that even Artemis is forced to cover her ears and I have to pull the phone back to make sure my eardrums don't get destroyed.

"Oh my gosh!! Greyson!! Storm has gotten a new girlfriend!!!!" She says still squealing.

Wait, dad is around too?

"Summer! Stop hitting me!" He yells loudly. "Snow take your mother away."

What the heck? Is everyone one there?

"Mom! Mom! Stop okay." I say and she sighs giggling to herself.

"Oh my baby, what's her name? Can I talk to her?"

Pursing my lips, I bring my gaze to Artemis raising my brow in question and she furrows her brows wringing her fingers nervously in front of her. I take her hands in mine, giving it a light squeeze and she looks up smiling at me.

"Not today mom but she's called Artemis and you're gonna love her." I mutter gazing at her and she looks down blushing.

My mom coos softly and I hear my dad mutter something followed by 'ouch that hurt Summer'.

"But what are you doing in my apartment?" I question and she sighs.

"Sunny called us from the hospital saying Jace had been in an accident."

I blink. "Really?"

She hums in response. "Yeah and apparently he got beaten so bad that almost all his bones are broken, well I know they are all broken judging from the state he's in."

We didn't do that much damage right? I mean sure Ollie flipped the bed over, broke his nose, broke his jaw, crushed his balls, stepped on his fingers, dragged him down the stairs, flinged him in- okay so we did a lot of damage.

Artemis tugs on my shirt and I look up gulping. She cannot know what happened so better stay calm. "Who is Jace?" She mouths and I raise my finger signaling her to give me a minute.

"So how is he?"

"He's being in a coma for a month now and the doctors think it might take about a year for everything to be slightly normal."

"Well he deserved it anyway." Snow's voice mutters in the background and there's a smack followed. "Fuck mom- wait no!!! I didn't say fuck I----ouch!!!"

"Your mother is a bit busy right now." My dad's voice float through the phone and I sigh shaking my head. "I know you put the kid in the hospital."

Fuck! Don't even look at her.

"What?" I say in a high pitched voice, laughing nervously and my dad scoffs.

"It's fun seeing you try to act that way but I know everything. I know my son and the other day Snow came home with a bloody knuckles and a crying Sunny wearing a scarf around her neck."

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