Chapter 42

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Storm's pov

That is not Ollie.

Then who the fuck is that? His twin brother? The suffocating and dangerous aura around Artemis or should I say Red doesn't disappear, it only grows more when he mockingly chuckles. Whoever this person is, certainly doesn't love his life.

"And why would I tell you Alpha Artemis?" He mocks. Red looks like someone from a horror movie, her cheek has stains of blood, her long nails drip with blood as she digs her finger into her neck, squeezing it tightly. She lifts him up, his feet dangling in the air as Red chokes him, her lips tilting up in a devilish smirk.

"Guess I'm not being persuasive enough." She spits out angrily and before the imposter can respond she quickly shifts position from having him up against the bookshelf to slamming his back hardly on the desk and it snaps in half. Lyle let's out a girlish scream and I narrow my eyes at them.

"Selena get them out of here." I say and she quickly nods her head, whispering something into Lyle's ear. He gulps, eyes wide and terrified but quickly rushes towards my sister and picks her up. They leave the room and its left with just the three of us.

Red doesn't end there, she grabs his collar, lifting up once again and flings him across the room. His body slams hard against the wall and he gasps in pain as he slides to the ground and clutches his rib. 

She quickly moves in front of him, grabs the back of his hair and clenches her fist tightly. Nothing but bloodlust can be seen in her eyes as she pummels his face. Red alternates between both hands and his head whips to every side in which she punches him.

I so badly want to stop her but doing that right now is going to be suicidal. 

 There's a resounding crack and I look up. His head slumps forward, blood dripping from every part of his face but Red doesn't seem to care and glares at him. 

"Where is my beta?!" She spits out and he only chuckles weakly raising his hand to wipe the blood from his mouth.

"I don't answer to you." He says, sending a taunting smirk to her and that infuriates Red even more because she suddenly growls, eyes almost blazing like a flame and grabs his arm ripping it from his shoulder.

He lets out an agonizing scream, blood splatters across her face, my face and the wall that he is leaning on.

"Son of a bitch!" He screams, tears rolling down his cheeks and Red smiles mockingly at him

"Daughter of a bitch rather." She says and leans forward grabbing his jaw. " I'm gonna ask you one last time, where is my beta and his mate?"

What the actual fuck!

The blood drains from my face. What does she mean? Where is Sunny?

I grab Red's arm swinging her around to face me. "What the fuck do you mean?"

Her eyes narrow at me and she jerks her arm from my hand. "I don't know how they were able to take Ollie and Sunny but they did."

I step back in shock, they took my sister? Right under my nose and I didn't even realize it. I grip my hair in frustration, that useless feeling once again crawling over me. How could I have been so stupid not to see that?

Cold hands cup my cheeks, forcing me to look into red flaming eyes. "Now is not the time to feel pity and criticize yourself mate! You need to wake up and fucking fight! Be a damn Alpha."

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