Bean Bag Chairs

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The picture above was the inspiration for this chapter. Enjoy!

The Avengers stood inside, next to the door that led to the Landing pad, outside.

"Stark, what are you about to make us do? Are you going to make sure we get run over by a jet?" Bella asked.

"No. That's stupid and sounds like something you would do", Tony said.

"I can't believe you all think I'm a murderer", Bella said.

"It does sound like something you would do. Sorry Bella", Jean said. She looked at Tony. "Alright, make it quick. My brother wants me on the Milano soon".

"Okay. No, Bella, I'm not trying to kill you all. That's your aunt's job", Tony said. Regina looked at Tony, offended. She looked at Loki, who nodded in agreement. Lavinia opened her mouth to speak, but there was more from Tony. "And before you ask, Lavinia, yes, this is worth your time".

Lavinia closed her mouth. Tony opened the door. On the landing pad, there were Bean bag chairs with the Avengers' face on it.

"This is creepy, but cool", Jean said.

Bella ran towards one. She sat on one of the bean bag chairs. She screams excitedly.

"I think she enjoys them", Tony said, confused. He looks at Lavinia. Lavinia shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. I don't understand my sister", Lavinia said. Everyone ran into the room.

Thor and Peyton sat on a bean bag chair. "This is comfy", Peyton said. She sighed and laid back.

"Dad, these are amazing", Zephrine said. She sat on a bean bag chair with Bucky.

"They're so soft!" Jean shouted into her bean bag chair. Loki sat next to her. Jean looked at him. "I had these in my room before I left earth. They were so amazing. I thought it was the greatest thing earthers invented".

"When were these invented?" Loki asked.

"The bean bag chairs? 1969. They added our faces, I think, in 2013", Jean said.

"Aunt Regina, you didn't have these back on Asgard?" Bella asked.

"No, but you see, when I was a kid, I thought of this idea to make a chair, but soft and comfy", Regina explained. "My brothers scoffed at the idea".

"Regina, this is not what you came up with. This person clearly did a better job than you", Loki said.

"Oh, shut up! No one asked for your opinion", Regina snapped.

"I'm sure it would've been great",Natasha said.

"It would've. But after they laughed at my idea, I felt better".

"You got revenge, didn't you?" Peyton asked. Regina smirked.

"Oh, revenge is my good friend".

Peyton laughed. Bella sat next to Pietro. "Mr. Stark, can we put these in the Common Room?" Peter asked.

"Will we even get these through the doorway?" Jean asked. Nicole shrugged her shoulders. "Well, I should get to the Milano". Jean ran out of the room.

"Bye, Jean. Bring back a moon rock",Tony said.

"And an alien head", Bella said.

"These are bigger than me and Bella. Do you think we can fit these in the common room?" Pietro asked.

"I have an idea", Bella said to Pietro. "If we are able to get these through the doorway, we could..." Bella scoots closer to Pietro and whispered into his ear. Hudson tried to listen. Whatever Bella said, it made Pietro laugh.

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