🏙Adventures in Babysitting🏙

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Bella, Lavinia, Loki, Regina, Thor and Peyton were sitting on the couch, watching TV. They watched Adventures in Babysitting.

"Thor, that's how you used to look", Bella said. Lavinia and Regina laughed. Bella and Loki high fives each other. Peyton smiled as she shook her head. Thor was unamused.

"I think you still look handsome", Peyton said to Thor. They kissed each other. Regina gags.

"Regina, shut up. I bet you and Valkyrie kiss all the time", Lavinia said.

"Wait. That's a kiss? That's how you kiss someone?" Regina asked.

"How have you been doing it?" Bella asked. Instead of answering, Regina walked out of the room.

Tony came into the room with Peter, Ned, MJ, Morgan and Hudson. Tony held Morgan and Hudson. He dropped them on the other couch.

"Sit down", Tony said. Peter, MJ and Ned sat next to Morgan and Hudson. Tony grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.

"Hey!" Bella protested.

"Lavinia, your son and the other kids trashed the lab. Now me and Banner can't get any work done", Tony said.

"Hudson", Lavinia said.

"He wanted us to stay in the room and play with marbles", Hudson said.

"Damn, Uncle Scrooge. At least let them play in the backyard", Bella said.

"Here's an idea. You know, the older kids were going to stay the night, right? And Lavinia was going to visit her husband in New Asgard, right?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with the kids?" Lavinia asked.

"While I take Pepper to a special date that I've planned, the kids will stay here. And as punishment, I'm leaving them with the worst Babysitter imaginable. Bella", Tony said.

"It sounds like you're punishing me",Bella says.

"It sounds like you're trying to get the children killed", Lavinia said.

"You're right", Tony said. "Nikki, get in here". Nicole walked into the room. "You and Bella are Babysitting tonight".

Bella, Nicole and the children screamed. "I'm excited too", Tony said.

"Tony. We all not looking after these bundles of terror", Bella said.

"If you take care of them...and they're alive when I come home, I'll give Nicole a new Panther mask and I'll let Bella and Pietro make out in the Quinjet for a day. Unless, Bella, you're not having thoughts about having children".

Bella sighed. "I mean...I am", She said.

"Fine, then, will you babysit?" Tony asked.

Bella and Nicole looked at each other. They looked at Tony. "Fine", Bella said.


Later that night, Lavinia left to visit to visit Heimdall in new Asgard and Tony and Pepper went on a date. Jean, Loki, Regina and Thor joined the Guardians in space and the rest of the Avengers went on a mission.

It was just Bella, Nicole, Peter, MJ, Ned, Hudson and Morgan in the Avengers Facility. Ned and Morgan were in the kitchen, cooking. Peter and MJ were in Peter's room. Bella and Nicole watch TV with Hudson.

"We should probably-"

"No", Bella interrupted Nicole. "The kids are fine. Let them cook".

"Bella, I don't think you understand how to take care of children", Nicole said.

"You're right. I don't. I don't even want children".

"But you said to Tony-"

"I lied. I'm getting sterilized", Bella said.

"Bella, no. Your mom just wants what's best for you. She won't let you-"

"I don't care, Nik! It's my choice!"

"Fire! Fire!" Ned shouted from the kitchen.

Nicole and Bella shot up from the couch. They ran into the kitchen. They stopped when they saw the fire.

Bella freezes the fire. Everyone sighed. The phone in the living room rings.

Nicole groaned in frustration. "What now?" She asked. Nicole walked out of the room.

"We trust you with the kitchen and you decide to burn building down? Are you children insane?" Bella asked.

"I don't know how to cook", Morgan said.

"How old are you again?" Bella asked. Morgan held up 5 fingers. "Well you had Ned! And he's...he's almost a grown ass man, that's what he is".

"You realize she's 5, right?" Ned asked.

"So is my nephew. And guess what. We can argue all day", Bella said.

"Peter Benjamin Parker!" Nicole shouted from the common room.

"Your brother did something", Bella said to Morgan. Bella walked into the common room. Ned and Morgan followed her.

"Peter, I can't believe you snuck out of the house. I expect this from Bella, not you",Nicole said to Peter, who was on the phone.

"Bella, we need to leave. Peter and MJ snuck out of the house", Nicole said.

"We'll come with you", Ned said.

"No, you won't. You're staying here", Nicole said.

"We'll tell our parents that you left us alone", Morgan said.

"Fine. Tell your parents. I don't care. Last I checked, Tony forced me to this job. I never wanted it", Bella said.

"But Auntie Bella, don't you love us?"Hudson asked as he makes a puppy face.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm making you feel guilty. Is it working?"

"No, Hudson. It is not working. My sister knows I'm not good with children and yet, here we are".

"If you leave, none of you would get your rewards", Ned says.

"And who's going to tell them?" Bella asked. Ned, Hudson and Morgan crossed their arms with a smirk on their faces.

"Does anyone need to go to the bathroom before we leave?" Nicole asked. The children shook their heads.

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