Little Sister

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Zephrine drove her car towards Tony and Pepper's house. She took deep breaths and tried to stay calm. Bucky, who sat beside her, looked at her in concern.

"You okay, Zephrine?" Bucky asked.

"I think so. I want things to be perfect when I meet my little sister", Zephrine said.

"She's gonna love you, Zeph".

Zephrine smiled at Bucky. "This is crazy. 5 months ago, the sister she's never known died and now I'm back. That's scary. Even for a 5 year old".

"Bella talked to her during your funeral".

"Oh, really? What did she say?"

"She said, word for word, 'Your sister would've wanted to meet you. For as long as I could remember, Zephrine wanted a little sister. She loves you'".

"So Bella Romanoff has a heart".

"Yeah, I can't believe it either", Bucky said. Zephrine laughed. They arrived at the house. Zephrine took a deep breath.

"Why am I so nervous?" Zephrine asked. Bucky grabbed her hand.

"It's gonna be fine, Zephrine. Go meet your sister", Bucky said. Zephrine kissed him. She gets out of the car. After she closed the door, she walked towards the house.

When Zephrine got on the porch, she knocked on the door. Pepper opened the door. She hugged Zephrine.

"Hi Pep", Zephrine said.

Pepper looked at Bucky. "Is your boyfriend going to join us?" Pepper asked. Zephrine looked at Bucky. She looked back at Pepper and shook her head. "He doesn't want to intrude on this family moment", Zephrine said.

"Are you ready?" Pepper asked.

"No. It's a lot to take in". Pepper invited Zephrine inside. Zephrine sat down at the table. "I don't know why I'm so nervous".

"I'll make you a cup of tea", Pepper says. Zephrine took a deep breath. She turned around when she heard footsteps. Morgan stood next to Zephrine's chair.

Zephrine got out of her seat. She knelt to Morgan's height. Tears fell down Zephrine's face.

"You must be Morgan. My name is Zephrine. Do you know who I am?"

"You're my sister", Morgan said. Zephrine nodded. Zephrine and Morgan hugged each other.

Back at the rebuilt Avengers Facility, in the common room, Lavinia sat next to Bella, who was reading a book.

"Yeah, Sis?" Bella asked.

"I got us both a cupcake", Lavinia said. Bella looked up from her book to this. Lavinia handed her a cupcake.

"What's the occasion?" Bella asked. Her full attention was now on Lavinia.

"Isabella, 11 years ago today, we found out we were sisters", Lavinia said. Bella looked at her in shock. Had it really been that long?

"I don't know which is more shocking. The fact that you know my real name or that you remember which day we found out we're related", Bella said.

"Of course I remember. Even though we had to fight an alien army...and our father, it was the best day of my life. I had found you", Lavinia said. "Happy Sister-versary". Bella laughed.

"Happy Sister-versary", Bella said. Together, they took a bite out of their cupcake.

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